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I thought I'd do something a little different this time: https://forms.gle/38HMFQthmqJKJdAZ7 

This link will take you to an off-site Google Form where any answers you leave will be totally anonymous (even to me) and which allows me to combine multiple choice, checkbox answers, and long form answers all in one form. 

I encourage you to respond to the survey (with the caveat that please don't respond with any scenarios or fantasies involving under-18s or other 'taboo' subjects such as incest, vore, or non-consensual sex)! Sometimes I get so trapped in my writing that my wellspring of fantasy inspiration runs a bit dry, and it's nice to read other people's fantasies and story ideas, it helps refresh my creative juices. : ) And who knows, if I really like one of the submitted ideas, I may just base a story on it some day. Also, I just think it's fun to share fantasies and scenario ideas with one another in this community. There isn't much... back-and-forth here, largely because I'm usually too busy to engage, but I'd like to hear more from you all and get to understand what you're into a bit better. : ) 

Go fill out survey! Have fun!


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