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Okay, well, I can't finish Pleasure Island 3 tonight. I wrote about 15,000 words today, but I still have one short sex scene and two characters' simultaneous gender transformations to get through before the story is completed, which will probably take me another 8000 words or so to complete (so about 45000 words in total when finished), so there's no point staying up at any later this evening. Boo. :( I wanted to finish before Thanksgiving, in hopes of making 1100 dollars in book sales this month (first time since the Pandemic), but that probably wont happen now. Still, maybe 1050. 

I'll provide more information on this later, but I want to just get this out there now: New Story Commissions are Officially OPEN. I am looking at a major budgetary hole in December and January caused by some commission payments not coming through and others being delayed for the time being, and I need to find a way to close the gap, so if you would like to commission a story, now would be an AWESOME time. I have five slots open, contact me if you are interested. Stories would likely be delivered sometime starting in January, after the current crop of existing commissions (aside from Pleasure Island, which will be on-going for a while, and Velocity, which is temporarily on-hold) are all complete. Note: because someone asked--if you want to commission me to continue working on one of my own stories which has temporarily been paused due to financial needs (such as Holly for the Holidays) you can do that as well. 

Happy Thanksgiving All. Hope everyone is weathering the pandemic and the financial crunch as well as they can.



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