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Hey, everyone! I've received some inquiries about other ways that fans can help me out financially this month as I strain to stay solvent going into July if they can't afford to commission a story or pay for any merchandise (which is totally fine, I had anticipated that not many people would be up for that, but Patreon is pushing it so I wanted to check and see if there was any interest.) 

One easy way you can help me out a bit right now is by promoting my stories to other people. Now, I know gender-bending fetishes tend to be... kinda private (I've built several stories around that idea, after all), but in case you happen to be a part of a Discord group or a forum or social media group where people exchange gender bending content and would like to help me drum up some business, you could post a link to some of your favorite Zoe Brown books and make recommendations. 

OR, if you have a little extra cash around, know some other friends who are into gender-bending fiction (fellow fetishists, kinky trans girl friends, whatever) and want to help out but can't afford a commission this month, please consider buying one of my stories on kindle as a gift for another reader. It's a relatively cheap (3-5 dollar) way you can help me pump up my sales a bit and close the gap between where I am financially right now because of the economic downturn and where I need to be until things start solidifying for me again in August (hopefully.) 

Again, please do not feel pressured to spend money you don't have or don't want to spend! This is just in response to some messages and inquiries I've received from people who WANT to offer some more financial support and are looking for ways to do it.

Thanks again everyone! 

<3 Zoe


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