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Hey everyone, long time no talk. :( I've missed you guys, and I've missed writing.

I'm still working overtime at my day job nearly every week right now, so I'm not able to spend as much time writing as I'd like, and I can't keep up with regular incentive rewards, or commit to writing a certain title FIRST before anything else -- writer's block SUCKS, and sometimes when the inspiration hits it's for a totally different story. So far I haven't let myself write anything other than what I had planned for my next title, but I'm not sure that's gonna work. It's like banging my head against the wall while watching other, fresher and more exciting ideas float by me. 

Going forward, I'm going to switch to more passive incentives for my patrons: I'm gonna offer Acknowledgements in future published titles for anyone who is a $10 patron, as well as the occasional vote on a suggestion poll, and I'll do my best to answer any questions $5 dollar patrons message me or leave on my posts, though I can't guarantee when I'll be able to get to them. 

I'm gonna try and write stories when the mood strikes me, instead of hammering away at trying to finish parts 2-5 of Dating Whilst Woman until my brain falls out. So hopefully, I'll be able to put out more stories more often, though they might not always be what you're expecting to see next.

​If anyone would like to request a refund in light of my poor performance in meeting incentive rewards goals the last several months, please let me know and I'll be happy to oblige. In the future, if I can ever get to a place where writing becomes more than a minor portion of my monthly income, I'll try to see if I can add some more attractive incentives, and reduce my workload at my day job so that I can offer them on a more regular basis. :) 

<3 You Guys! Cool Stories Are Coming!


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