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Hey everyone! As one of the rewards for the $5 tier, I'm going to periodically open up the floor to you all, so that you can ask me questions about whatever you're interested in: what my writing process is like, what I'm interested in as far as gender transformation, why I chose to become a writer, what else I'm interested in, etc. Aside from personal questions (e.g. where I live), I'll answer whatever you ask. :)



What are your favorite TG authors and stories? Just wondering what your influences are and trying to find something good to read that's on your level lol.


This was a hard question to answer! It's been years and I can't even find all of my favorite stories online anymore, or remember their titles or names, but here's a short list of what I could remember: "A Friend in Need" by Deane Christopher. The idea of someone gender bending as a favor to a friend or to help out a friend without them knowing, leading to romantic entanglements, has been a favorite of mine ever since I read this. "Skin Deep: Urban Legend" by Mark McDonald was the first story that really got me interested in the idea of ultra-realistic, shrink-you-and-transform-you, turn-you-into-a-biologically-female-woman-while-worn bodysuits that come with a host of identity issues, double-life possibilities, and the possibility of being permanently sealed inside of a female body because of overindulgence or trickery or accident. Someday I will write a series of stories that utilize the concept, and the inspiration will trace back - in part - to 'Mike/Michelle.' "New Werewoman Handbook" by 'Werewomaniac' is another influence, although it's not a completed story. I was inspired by the idea that a Werewoman's transformation might force its way to the surface even on a non-changing day as a result of desire, feminine envy, or other factors. "Just One Day of Your Life" by 'Brian' was the first story that really made me think that Gender Bending stories could be both romantic and sexy. And finally "Aztec Earrings" by K. Moore is one of my favorite stories because it gave me the idea of temporary and recreational gender bending at first on the way to making the change permanent, in the end.