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Heya everyone,

Hope everyone had a safe and happy holidays and new year. I had a few snags but I'm back to work. 

I just want to update everyone on whats going to happen early 2022. First off, I know some people are still waiting on portraits so those are coming. I also will concentrate on solely Patreon comics, those were delayed cause of Crimson Maiden (sorry about that).

And lastly, I will also work on my next premium. I've been working on it for a while at a snails pace but I really just want to get it out there especially because of my financial situation. This will delay some free comics but I will make up for it by posting pinups and transformation sequences. 

Once I get over this financial hurdle I'll be posting free comics again but hopefully won't take long. 

Thanks for all your continued support, all the kind messages, and your understanding and patience while I make these comics. 




Happy New Year! Take your time, we’re looking forward to your projects whenever they’re ready :)


Hope it all goes smoothly! Take care!


Happy new year 🥳