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Heya everyone,

Once in a blue moon I have to concentrate on income rather than just doing this as a hobby.  I have recent medical bills (nothing serious, don't worry) that I need to take care of so now I have to take a few measures to take the pressure off.
So what I have decided to do is to turn this stressful predicament into your reward. 

First off, new follower goals. These are pretty simple things, like more drawings and more streams at 250 concurrent patrons. At 300 patrons I'll make a FF7 comic since many people are fans of my Cloud Pinups. There are more goals in the front page if you're interested. 

New Tiers! Okay this is the big one. I have added a 4th access tier. This is for those who wish to be tg transformed.  Last time I only opened it up to a limited number of patrons but this time I'm leaving it open to anyone who wants in on it. I will limit it again if it becomes too much for me. But all you have to do is provide a picture of yourself, or your OC, and I will make a before and after render.  Any images shared with me will, of course, be kept private.

 Prime tier is for the writer or aspiring story teller. For the price, I will make your 10 page multi panel story.  The stories may leak to 11 or 12 pages but thats fine, just make sure you submit a short story and not a series.
I have limited this to only 5 patrons because , as you can imagine, will be the hardest to work on. Also, when the comic is complete I will share it publicly. So make sure you're okay with that before participating.  If I feel your story is too complicated, I will work with you to make it simpler or refund the money. 

I hope you all enjoy these new perks. My hope is to make a good profit out of patreon so I can take the stress out these bills and go back to making comics for fun. But for now, take advantage and enjoy these new perks. 

As always, thanks so much for all your support!




oh, I forgot to say. Please message me directly for your story or portraits once you are ready.


Hope everything works out financially.


I feel like I've been waiting for the Prime tier since you started Patreon 😆. Super pumped!!! 🤩

Kaffeyette Lektor

I hope everything sorts itself out for you, both medically and financially, and you are OK on both fronts. Now, I just have to get back in shape so I can send a decent photo.