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Heya everyone,

Once again, I'm sorry this continued to be delayed but its still March and it now out in its entirety!

If you haven't seen the previous pages, the story revolves around Kaiden, a man trying to get his girlfriend back from the clutches of her new boyfriend, Dane. Kaiden decides to pay a visit to the mysterious Maya who claims she can help with a certain earring. Will it work?

I hope you all enjoy this comic, it's been in the making for around 2 years and was original made to be a Halloween comic. Then it was buried deep in my harddrive collecting dust. I'm glad to finally just take it out and release it to you all. 

You can download it using the link below. I hope you all enjoy it.




Kaffeyette Lektor

Great story and a very cool twist at the end there.

E d

Awesome! One of my favorites, by far! Sincerely hoping you're able to make a part two, so many possibilities. Like what could happen if he's Katherine and and his ex does finally walk in on them? Would the earrings simply force her to accept it and maybe join in? Would they then both be the new boyfriend's lover? Maybe both get pregnant? Live happily everafter all three together?