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Sorry for the lack of update everyone. It's the holiday season and family has me busy. I also have to work on my next premium comic which is slowing down my free works. In the meantime I'm trying to draw again even if it's short comic strips like the one above. 

If you have any request for fanart or short ideas for hand drawn comic strips like the one above, let me know and I'll try to make it. 



Kaffeyette Lektor

Thanks for the comic. That pond would be where, again? Make it a billabong and I'll meet you there. I have placed the idea hamsters onto their treadmills, and topped up their fruit bowls, but if you ever have any inkling to do some TG fanart, transformations, or gender-bending, my holy trinity of fan worship are Powergirl, Vampirella and/or Sara Pezzini/Witchblade, as much for some of the art they have featured in, as for the characters (or reasonable facsimiles thereof, which do not infringe copyright), so I would be very excited if they were to appear sometime. Yes, I know I'm old.