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Heya everyone.

Here is part 2 of the avatar app in which you vote for the outcome. Last time you got to choose what style to go with and now we need to choose a base for the choice.

What will happen this time around is that I will take the votes and use them to customize the character. For example if Preset 1 gets most of the votes, I'll use that to create the main look, but if Preset 2 is a close second, I may mix the looks together  So the final results may not look like any of the options you see in these pages. 

The only unique options is Preset 4. If that gets a majority of the votes new options will open up to cosplay as a variety of characters. It might be Harley Quinn, Supergirl, Lara Croft, Spiderman, or many others. You can even recommend any other in the comments below.

I have attached the file to this post. If you have problems downloading please let me know. I hope you enjoy it. 

PS. I know I didn't post much recently and July might be slow as well since I'll be busy with personal matters. I'll try to post teasers and images if it's possible. Thanks for your support. 



Before anyone gets confused, click the Avatarapp2.zip above to download the comic.

john fraioli

For preset 4 Female Ranma 1/2

Kaffeyette Lektor

I think Preset 1 looks the best by far, but I can't resist a vote for the punk option (it's not dead!), and the whole cosplay option just opens up too may possibilities, so I chose all three.


I'm calling it, to my surprise preset 4 wins. Preset 2 was close and I'll be sure to mix it into the equation. I'll work on a few cosplay options for the next batch. Thanks for participating.