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Where is this user from?

The content you are distributing indicates that you are still a patron.




Whats going on this guy reuploading your content? Website is chinese by the looks of it, he probadly is as well.


Looks like he uploads videos from scenes from different creators and puts it behind a paywall correct?


It is as you say. Im considering what measures to take.


Definitely from China. Most leakers are from China as of right now and many VAM creators in China suffer from the same problem. So much so that they can't continue their work anymore. Most leakers in China resells the items posted by the original creator for a profit. The items listed in the webpage above require payment to access.


I from china,but it isn`t bulid by me,i`ve no time to do this.


I suspect this is one of the main reason's i've seen a steady decrease in VaM content and overall user engagement during the last couple of years- the leaking and theft of VaM content is completely out of control. :(


This is unfortunate ABC, really love your creations sorry this is happening. I hope you get to the bottom of it so we can enjoy more awesome content.

Silean Twelve

I love your creations! I dont like this leaking shit!


This is a website that specializes in reselling works at a cheaper price.


Yes, I realize that the creators are not updating as much as they did a few months ago.

Peter Vasko

wait is he selling videos or the actual files