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Each chapter in this book but one was inspired by a Reddit writing prompt.

Here are the links to the original prompts, where I can get them.

Chapter One

[WP] A long time ago you discovered the secret of immortality. Sadly, however, while the formula gives good health and vigour it didn’t come with eternal youth. And now you’ve been living in a home for years because you forgot that telling stories about fighting with Caesar make you look senile.

Chapter Two

[WP] Happy Birthday! Your loved ones are here to celebrate it with you. But the cake would be overrun with candles if it showed your true age. You've had to fudge that number by a couple centuries for a while now, even for them.

Chapter Three

[WP] Aliens arrive on Earth, floating in orbit for hours. Finally they send a radio broadcast to all nations on Earth, with a clear message. “Humans, you’re species is under arrest for the destruction of the the Neanderthal species. Surrender or else”

Chapter Four

[WP] A couple of friends have gone camping with you. While watching the campfire one night, you mention how you’d love to be immortal to which one of them responds “Yeah, dying really does suck.” Another pipes up “You say that as if you’re speaking from experience…”

Interlude Four

[WP] While excavating an archeological site, you’ve accidentally awakened an immortal queen from her deathly slumber, but instead of being evil and wanting to conquer the world, she just wants her stuff back and to move on with her life.

Chapter Five

[WP] You are a scientist that was flung back in time due to a time travel accident. You have figured out after 30 or so years of not aging that you exist outside the time stream, free from entropy’s grasp. The only way to get back to your own time is to simply live through history.

Chapter Six

[WP] A man is being kept in interrogation an assassination that happened 100 years ago. He looks identical to the photographs of the assassin so his captors assume a connection. Unbenknownst to them, the man is immortal and troubled that they were still bitter about the whole thing.

Chapter Seven

[WP] You are a secret immortal who accidentally won a ‘$2000 per week for the rest of your life lottery’. The lottery organizers don’t understand why you want to turn down the prize as your excuses grow increasingly more far-fetched.

Chapter Eight

[WP] you’re secretly an immortal and you’ve decided to move a small town and live there awhile. After 50 years, the other residents become suspicious of you

Chapter Nine

[WP] Being the last Neanderthal gets pretty boring after living for 24,000 years. Time to mess with some humans

Chapter Ten

[WP] You’re a time traveler originating from the year 2023, and from your travels you seem to continuously recognize one man, and that man seems to recognize you. You find out that man is actually immortal, and you now have someone to talk to in any time period.

Chapter Eleven

[WP]Two assholes with a timemachine episode 1: Lets go to ancient Greece with tasers and pretend to be gods. (Unable to link to the original prompt, sorry) My Link

Chapters Twelve & Thirteen

[WP] You, an immortal, are the last human on earth. After the sun expanded, the planet has turned into a scorched wasteland. But even in this situation, you try to find some peace of it all

Chapter Fourteen

[WP] You, an immortal, are enjoying a vacation at a resort when you notice that the stranger at the bar looks exactly like someone you had a brief fling with 65 years ago. Turns out they’re immortal as well. (Unable to link to the original prompt, sorry) My Link

Chapter Fifteen

[WP] In a time far, far gone, Groteth, the village elder calls you into his musty tent of mammoth skin. Inside, dozens of antlers and teeth hang from the ceiling while the fire flickers, casting pale shadows on the skins surrounding you. He nods you to sit and reaches out, beginning the ritual.. (Unable to link to the original prompt, sorry) My Link

Chapter Sixteen

[WP] The General took a long draw of his cigarette, staring at the monitor. The huge beast rampaging throughout the city. “Screw it, summon the Old One.”

Chapter Seventeen

[WP] a billion years ago Earth was ejected from the Solar System and all life died frozen in space. Now alien researchers are excavating the dead world, and the Immortals of Humankind are starting to defrost.

Chapter Eighteen

[WP] In a very,very distant future you are a wise,millenia-old being that ruled and protected Earth for ages. However,raiders from another galaxy arrived.

Chapter Nineteen

[WP] “Do you remember all the years you’ve lived through? All the people, cultures and inventions that have long since passed? You probably dont care at this point do you?” A government agent asks you, the immortal.

Chapter Twenty

[WP] For five thousand years you thought you were the only immortal on earth, then one day you run into an old friend. A very, very old friend.

Chapter Twenty-One

[WP] “Would you change any of it?” she asked, greying head against his chest. “Not a single moment,” he replied, and held her close under the burning sky.


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