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 Chapter Nineteen: Consolidation

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♦Topic: PRT troop movements in BB?
In: Boards ► PRT Stuff

Seahawk (Original Poster) (The Guy In The Know) (Veteran Member)
Posted on April 16, 2011:
So wait, did something go down in Brockton Bay yesterday or what? I'm told there were movements of PRT troops, but no-one's saying anything.

(Showing Page 1 of 1)

EmDee (Cape Groupie)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
I didn't hear about that, but did you hear about the robbery of the BB Central Bank, the day before? Word is, it was the Undersiders, and they didn't get away free and clear.

Ladybug (Verified Cape) (Team Samaritan)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
Yes, the Undersiders tried to rob the Brockton Bay Central Bank the day before yesterday. Sparx, Aerodyne and I stopped them.

Seahawk (Original Poster) (The Guy In The Know) (Veteran Member)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
So what's that got to do with PRT troop movements in BB yesterday?
(Nice going btw)

AllSeeingEye (Unverified Cape)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
Well, the Samaritans captured one of the Undersiders, and that person's since changed sides and joined the heroes.

EmDee (Cape Groupie)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
Holy shit. I'd heard that, but I didn't think it was true. Does this mean the other thing's true, that Vista's quit the Wards and joined Team Samaritan?

Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Veteran Member)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
Nope. Still a Ward. I have, however, been assigned as a liaison with Team Samaritan for the time being.

AllSeeingEye (Unverified Cape)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
And babysitter? Or is that watchdog?

Sparx (Verified Cape) (Team Samaritan) (Team Leader)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
Stop teasing the liaison, ASE. You joined in good faith.

EmDee (Cape Groupie)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. Are you telling me that <CENSORED> has joined Team Samaritan?

Tin_Mother (Moderator)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
Please do not spread unsupported speculation regarding the identities of any members of Team Samaritan, or any other cape team.

End of Page. 1

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AllSeeingEye (Unverified Cape)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
I'll never tell.

Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE) (Veteran Member)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
That'll be the day.

EmDee (Cape Groupie)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
So is it just me, or is everyone else wigged out about the fact that a bunch of teenage girls has managed to outshow the PRT and the Protectorate over the last few months?

Seahawk (Original Poster) (The Guy In The Know) (Veteran Member)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
I think we're getting a little away from the original topic.
PRT troop movements in BB, yesterday? I've spoken to people who definitely saw trucks driving in and out of PRT HQ, loaded with troops.

XxVoid_CowboyxX (Temp-banned)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
I'm actually wondering just how old they are. They could almost be young enough to be in my class.

EmDee (Cape Groupie)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
Come to think of it, there were a few capes out and about yesterday, too.
Live fire exercise, or something else?

AssKicker (Veteran Member)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
Hey Void, didn't you hear Tin_Mother? No speculating on the identities of cape team members.

AllSeeingEye (Unverified Cape)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
Yeah, you'd almost think something big had gone down. Maybe a major supervillain got captured or something.

XxVoid_CowboyxX (Temp-banned)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
No, but I'm not talking about that. I'm just saying that they could easily be in my class. Hell, I could know these girls.

Seahawk (Original Poster) (The Guy In The Know) (Veteran Member)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
Void, you idiot.

End of Page. 1, 2

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EmDee (Cape Groupie)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
Don't even go there.

Tin_Mother (Moderator)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
When I say 'no speculation', Void Cowboy, I mean it. Have a temp ban while you think about that.

Seahawk (Original Poster) (The Guy In The Know) (Veteran Member)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
What are you trying to say, AllSeeingEye?

AllSeeingEye (Unverified Cape)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
Me? I know nothing. Just making idle conversation, here.

Sparx (Verified Cape) (Team Samaritan) (Team Leader)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
Ahem. ASE. Give it a rest.

AllSeeingEye (Unverified Cape)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
You're no fun.

Seahawk (Original Poster) (The Guy In The Know) (Veteran Member)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
You realize, you're not putting any speculation to rest, doing this.

Sparx (Verified Cape) (Team Samaritan) (Team Leader)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
Yeah, well, do a headcount of active supervillains in the city, and make up your own mind.

Armsmaster (Verified Cape) (Protectorate ENE) (Veteran Member) (Team Leader)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
Yesterday, PRT forces, in conjunction with elements of the Protectorate, the Wards, Team Samaritan and New Wave successfully carried out a joint operation to deal with a threat to the city. That is all.

EmDee (Cape Groupie)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
... is it just me, or did he just explain what happened without actually saying anything?

End of Page. 1, 2, 3

(Showing Page 4 of 4)

Sparx (Verified Cape) (Team Samaritan) (Team Leader)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
What Armsmaster said.

Seahawk (Original Poster) (The Guy In The Know) (Veteran Member)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
So you guys took down a major supervillain? Who?

Aerodyne (Verified Cape) (Team Samaritan)
Replied on April 16, 2011:
Like Sparx said, do a headcount.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4


Danny pushed away from the computer with a sigh, and stood up. He hadn't really been interested in computers before all this started, and he still wasn't a huge fan. But Taylor had gotten him on to the PHO boards, and he had seen how it could be used to follow cape activity, and so he regularly lurked on the boards, reading about what was going on.

However, there was still real life to deal with.

“Taylor?” he called out. “Can you come down here please?”

Moments later, he heard her door open and close, and she came thumping down the stairs. She gave him a bright smile as she headed for the kitchen. “What's up, Dad?” she asked over her shoulder as she went into the fridge for some of the chilled juice.

“I've been reading the online chatter about the Coil takedown yesterday,” he told her. “I presume you have too.”

“Yeah,” she agreed, with a wide grin. “Wasn't it great?”

“That's what we need to talk about,” Danny told her. “After action reports and so on. That was the biggest thing you girls have pulled off so far, and we need to make sure we're all on the same page about what happened, what you tell the media, and what you post online.”

She blinked a couple of times, behind her glasses. “I … yeah, I guess. That's true.”

He smiled. “That said, kiddo, I am so proud of you for what you did. You did really good, all three of you.” He stepped forward and hugged her, careful not to spill her drink.

“Four, actually if you count Lisa,” Taylor corrected him, returning the hug. “Seven if you count Amy and Vicky and Vista.”

He rolled his eyes. “All of you. You did a great job.”

“What, me too, Mr H?” Lisa came strolling downstairs, wearing a pair of Taylor's baggier jeans and one of her sweaters.

“You too,” he agreed, then turned to Taylor. “Though remind me again why she's staying here?”

“Because Madison doesn't have the room, and Amy and Vicky spent last night over at Emma's,” Taylor replied promptly.

“Ah. Right.” He turned to Lisa. “I don't mind you being here,” he began.

“Much,” she murmured, with a vulpine grin.

“ … right. Much,” he agreed, with a mildly aggravated sigh. “Just so you know, doing that? Does not actually make you any more welcome.”

“So noted,” she responded, her grin widening.

“Anyway. As I was saying. I don't mind you being here – much – but we're going to have to work out better living arrangements in future. Also … “

“Also, you're wondering how serious I was about joining the Samaritans, and whether I'm just going to take a powder now that the Coil job is done. But you were just trying to figure out how to say it in a way that wouldn't offend me,” she concluded brightly.

Danny met Taylor's eyes; she shrugged slightly. He looked back at Lisa. “Well, are you?” he asked bluntly.

She frowned, thinking about that. “I'd considered it,” she admitted in the end. “Just go back to the Undersiders, business as normal. But … all things considered, I decided not to. For one, it would be a bit of a dick move. For another, you guys did me a real solid. Not just taking Coil down, but agreeing to let me on to the team in the first place. You could've turned me over to the PRT any time.”

“That was Sparx making that decision, not me,” Taylor pointed out.

“But you accepted it,” Lisa pointed out. “Went along with it. Helped me out when I needed it most.” She turned to Danny. “You let me into your home. Gave me a place to sleep. Trusted me that far.”

Danny nodded. “I was a little dubious, yes,” he admitted. “But … well, trust has to start somewhere.”

Lisa grinned. “Plus, Taylor could probably track me down really easily if I tried to screw you guys over, right?”

“Plus, there is that,” Danny agreed, deadpan.

“So where do we go from here?” asked Taylor.

“We need to have a meeting,” Danny decided.

Taylor frowned. “What about?”

“The team.”


Alan Barnes opened the front door. “Come on in,” he told them. “Zoe's taken Anne shopping, so we've got until the shops close.”

Danny let Taylor and Lisa walk in first, then he entered; Alan shut the door behind him. “Vista's already here,” Lisa commented offhand as they walked through into the living room.

Danny met Alan's gaze and rolled his eyes slightly. She's been doing it all day, his expression stated quite plainly. Alan grinned.

Not only was Vista there, but Madison had already made it. She and Emma were sitting back on the lounge, chatting with the Ward.

“So does Zoe know?” asked Danny carefully. “And Anne?” He had wondered, but not quite known how to bring it up.

“Zoe does, Anne doesn't,” Alan informed him. “Or at least, we don't think Anne does. Zoe figured it out fairly early, and she let me know that she'd keep quiet.”

“Both my parents know,” Madison supplied, with a nod to her father. “But Mom doesn't want to know. So she pretends not to see what's going on.”

Danny looked around the room. “Right,” he ventured, “are we all here?”

“Not quite,” Alan noted. “But Panacea rang a few moments ago to say that she was on the way. Glory Girl's giving her a lift.”

“And that'll be her now,” Lisa put in. “Landed in the back yard ten seconds ago.”

“I didn't hear anything,” Emma objected.

“She's right,” Taylor advised her. “I just spotted them myself.”

Alan was already moving toward the back door when the knock sounded; he opened the door to admit the two members of New Wave.

Now we're all here,” Lisa declared smugly. “Let the meeting commence! I nominate myself for chairman.”

Silence followed her proclamation, then a wasp landed on the tip of her nose. She tried to look at it without crossing her eyes, then at Taylor, who gazed expressionlessly back at her.

“Okay, fine,” she grumped, flopping into a chair. “Someone else can run the show. You guys are no fun.” The wasp left her nose and flew off. She gave Taylor a dirty look. “Do you really carry around wasps just in case?”

Taylor nodded seriously. “Yes. And other bugs.". She made no movement, but in another moment, her hair was alive with bugs of all types. Those that could, took flight; the rest scuttled over her arms and clothes. The swarm surrounded her, spreading outward in all directions.

Amy flinched slightly; Vicky visibly recoiled. Even Vista leaned back slightly in her chair. Madison and Emma did not so much as blink; nor did Danny or the other adults react.

"Okay, kiddo," Danny commented with a grin. "You can put them away now. I think everyone's gotten the message."

The flying bugs reversed direction, spiralling down into her hair. Similarly, the crawling ones scuttled up her sleeves, over her shoulders, and out of sight.

"Christ," muttered Glory Girl. "That is not a sight I am going to get used to in a hurry."

"That's fine," Lisa told her cheekily. "You don't have to. You're not the liaison; Amy is."

Glory Girl glared at her. "Why, exactly, have you allowed a supervillain to join your team, again?" she asked, addressing the room in general.

"Why, exactly, have you allowed someone who's not even on the team to attend a team meeting, again?" Lisa retorted, mimicking her tone of voice almost exactly.

"Enough!" snapped Emma; her hair curled outward to form a barrier between the blonde supervillain and the equally blonde teen hero. Sparks crackled between the tendrils. "Tattletale, we took you on with the understanding that you were going to at least try to behave. So behave, and stop needling the superhero."

Her angry gaze turned toward Vicky. "Glory Girl, you are here as a guest, in this house and at this meeting. Tattletale does actually have more right to be here than you. Keep that in mind, or I will ask you to leave."

“And if she does,” Amy declared, “I'm staying.”

As both hero and villain subsided, Alan Barnes ran a hand over his face. “Seriously,” he muttered. “When we started the team, we did not see this coming.”

“Trust me,” Vista murmured to him, “you haven't seen the worst of it. Some days, I think Clockblocker is trying to give the Director a stroke.”

Alan put his hand over his eyes again, and slowly shook his head.


“For the first order of business,” Danny noted, “we decide on whether or not to keep Tattletale on as a member of the Samaritans.”

Glory Girl frowned. “Uh, excuse me?” she asked, raising her hand.

Danny looked her way. “Yes?”

“I thought it was Team Samaritan.”

Emma rolled her eyes. “That's what the news guys called it. We decided to not make a fuss about it. It was out there, so we left it as is.”

“Huh,” Vista commented. “I was actually wondering about that, myself.”

Anyway,” Danny went on. “Tattletale, do you actually want to be a part of the Samaritans?”

Lisa looked around the room, then nodded. “Sure,” she replied. “You're cool. And you helped kick Coil's ass.”

“Gonna have to change the name, though,” Aerodyne pointed out.

“Agreed,” Alan replied. “Tattletale's too well known as a villain.” He turned to face Lisa. “Are you all right with that?”

Lisa considered it. “I guess,” she conceded after a few moments, “but I get to pick my new name.”

Danny nodded. “That's fair. All right. I'm abstaining from voting, so we won't have ties. Votes in favour?”

Emma's hand rose first, then Taylor's. Aerodyne's went up next, along with her father's. Alan Barnes put his hand up last. “You did a good job,” he stated quietly, “and my daughter trusts you. Just don't let us down.”

Danny blinked. “Huh. Unanimous. I didn't see that coming.”

Lisa gazed at him, wide-eyed. “Wow. I didn't see it coming, either.”

Danny raised an eyebrow. “Right. You knew it was gonna happen all along.”

Lisa grinned. “Mayyybe.”


“Okay,” Alan stated. “Next order of business. Liaisons. We went from having none, to having two, all in one day. We need to discuss what sort of policy we're going to have regarding liaisons. Given that on the Coil mission, there were more liaisons and new members than core members.”

He paused. “Emma, why are you smiling?”

“Oh, nothing,” Emma replied cheerfully. “Lisa, you know as a full member, you get to go through the same training that we did.”

Lisa's grin lessened slightly. “I'm getting a bad feeling about this.”

Taylor was grinning now, too. “Let's just say, Mr Clements is really good with a paintball gun.”

Lisa developed a slightly hunted expression. “I can't get out of this, can I?”

Vista folded her arms. “Nope,” she stated with satisfaction.

“Liaisons should have to go through the same training,” Lisa appealed. “Right?”

“She's got a point,” Aerodyne admitted. “Mr Hebert?”

“You know, I don't see why not,” Danny decided. “After all, you can't really work in with the team if you aren't up to the same level of preparation.” He turned to Vista. “Are you ready to undertake the same sort of training that Emma, Taylor and Madison do?”

”Am I?” she responded. “I spent the last three years of my life getting to where I am now. And your team's as good as it is in four months? Sign me up!”

The sheer enthusiasm in her tone raised a chuckle around the room; Madison sat up and raised her hand. Vista high-fived her, to general applause.

Emma turned to Amy. “Okay, so you've stated several times that you want to stay as our liaison to New Wave.”

Amy nodded. “Uh, yeah. If you'll have me.”

Taylor climbed out of her armchair, sat on the arm of Amy's chair, and hugged her. “Of course we'll have you,” she assured the healer. “You and Vicky kicked ass out there yesterday.”

Amy ducked her head, looking a little self-conscious. “Uh, that was mainly Vicky, not me.”

“You were still there,” Taylor insisted. “You stepped up. You did your bit.”

Danny nodded. “If you want to continue as liaison, Amy, we'll be pleased to have you.”

Amy smiled shyly. “I … thanks. I appreciate it. I really do.”

Alan Barnes looked around the room. “Anyone not good with that?” His eyes fell on Lisa, not entirely by accident.

Lisa frowned, managing to look affronted. “What? Seriously? You think I'd pull crap like that, just to screw her around? Hell no. She needs this team. I'm all for the idea.”

Danny blinked. “Well, okay then. It looks like we're agreed. Tattletale's a member, and Vista and Panacea are confirmed as liaisons. What's our policy for taking on more?”

Emma raised her hand. “I propose that we don't. Not until we see how the ones we already have work out. If we get more offers – and to be honest, I can't see that happening any time soon – we call a meeting before deciding.”

“Sounds fair,” Danny conceded. “Girls?”

Taylor and Madison glanced at each other, then nodded. “Sure,” agreed Madison. “Sounds reasonable.”

Danny glanced at Alan Barnes, then at Madison's father; they both nodded in agreement.

“Okay then,” Danny decided. “That's sorted.” He looked around the room. “Anyone got any other business?”

There was a long pause, during which no-one spoke.

“Right then,” he declared. “Meeting done. Thanks, guys.” He stood up from his chair and stretched. “Tomorrow, we kick over training again.”

Alan nodded. “I'll go out tonight and make sure everything's set up.”

Vista got up from her chair and went over to Emma. “So, this training. What is it that you do, exactly?”

“Well, we've got a maze,” Emma told her, “and we've got to practise getting through it with handicaps, while Mr Clements shoots at us with paintballs. It's a teamwork thing. And we do hand to hand training, and Dad makes sure we're up to date with first aid techniques. And then there's ...”

They walked away, side by side, Emma talking and Vista listening intently.


Amy leaned back in the comfortable armchair and smiled. It was … different, here. There was a family atmosphere, but she was a part of it. She'd been accepted. There was no undercurrent of dislike, of suspicion.

Someone sat on the arm of her chair, where Taylor had vacated just moments before. She looked up, startled.

“Hey,” Tattletale greeted her. “Congrats on getting the liaison position.”

“Uh, thanks?” ventured Amy. She wasn't quite sure how to react to Tattletale; the girl had been a supervillain, up until forty-eight hours previously. “Uh, congratulations on getting membership, uh, Tattletale.”

The ex-villain waved a negligent hand, giving Amy a very fox-like grin. “I'll be dumping that name, for something more heroic, I guess. In the meantime, we're gonna be on the same team, so you can call me Lisa.” She leaned a little closer; Amy found it hard to meet the intent gaze of those bottle-green eyes.

“I … uh … okay, Lisa,” Amy managed.

“You know,” murmured Lisa, “I bet if you asked, they'd make you a member too, just like me.”

Amy swallowed. She wanted to ask. It was on the tip of her tongue. But she didn't dare. Didn't think she deserved it. Not yet.

“I'll, uh, think about it,” she replied carefully.

Lisa nodded sympathetically, as if she knew every thought that was running through Amy's head. “That's cool. Keeping your options open, that's not a bad career move. Wish I'd had that chance.”

Amy frowned. “What do you mean? You were a supervillain. You were in the Undersiders.”

Lisa shook her head. “Not exactly by choice,” she revealed. “It was a case of either agree to join, or be shot in the head. I chose the option of not being shot in the head.”

“Wow, holy crap,” murmured Amy. And I thought my home life was bad.

Lisa didn't answer; when Amy looked up, the girl with the dirty-blonde hair was observing her intently. She flushed involuntarily. “What?”

“We've got a lot in common, you know,” Lisa told her thoughtfully.

“I – what do you mean?” Amy blurted. She hated the defensive tone in her voice. “I'm a hero. You're a villain. I don't rob banks. You do.”

Lisa grinned again, the corners of her mouth curling upward. “I mean, our situations. We're both in teams we really had no choice but to join. We don't really relate to most of the people in our teams. We both saw the Samaritans as a way out.”

Amy shook her head. “No,” she insisted. “I wanted to be a part of New Wave.”

“Really?” asked Lisa softly. “Or was it that you were expected to do it, when you got your powers?” She paused. “You never really wanted powers, did you? And now that you have them, you feel that you're expected to use them to help people all the time. Even though you know, deep down, that you can't help everyone. But you can't stop.”

Amy stared at Lisa, shaking her head slightly. “How are you doing that?” she whispered. “Are you reading my mind?”

Lisa chuckled and shook her head, dispelling the moment. “No, of course not. I don't read minds. I can't see your thoughts.” A mischievous grin. “But I can see the shape of them. Your micro-expressions, your eyes, your stance, how you say things, they all give me clues. My power lets me take even the tiniest clues and build them into information.”

She put her hand on Amy's shoulder, her expression serious once more. “I see things about everyone that I meet. I have to keep filters up, otherwise it gets too much. Too squicky. A guy looks at me, I can see in his face, his posture, exactly what he thinks of me. I don't need that, every second of every day. So I hold it back. But I can figure out most everything about someone, if I spend enough time with them.”

Amy shook her head. “But don't people … object, to you just shuffling through their lives?”

Lisa grinned again. “Oh, most of the time I don't let them know. Unless it's really big, or really funny. Or both. I'm the smartest person in the room; sometimes, I just gotta let people know that.” She raised an eyebrow toward Amy. “But private, personal stuff? I don't use.” She shrugged; her eyes cut toward where Vicky was talking to Emma. “So, yeah, any little secrets you may have, they're safe with me.”

Amy's eyes went wide, and she felt her head swim. She knows. Oh god, she knows..

She felt the hand on her shoulder squeeze slightly. “Of course I know,” murmured Lisa. “To me, it's a huge neon sign. But I'm not gonna tell her. I promise.”

“Right,” Amy replied. “A promise. From a supervillain.”

Lisa nodded. “Yeah, I guess I had that coming. But tell you what. I'll make you a deal. My lips are sealed on that, so long as you do something for me.”

“I – I'm not going to commit a crime for you -”

“No, no,” Lisa told her. “This is something between me and you.”

Amy glanced up at her; the ex-villain's lips were curled in that smile again. She felt a sense of foreboding. “Are you – are you making a pass at me? Because I -”

Lisa tried not to laugh; a strangled snort escaped her lips. “Heh. No. I don't bat for that team. And anyway, the squick thing is ten times as bad when you're trying to get intimate with someone. My filters need a certain amount of concentration to keep up, and when they come down, there's a lot of information that I really don't need to know.” She grinned at Amy. “No, your virtue is safe from me. I need something else.”

Amy was confused. “Then what -”

Lisa sighed. “And that's the downside of being a supervillain for a couple of years. If you want something off of someone, they decide that it's either something illegal, or sex. Wow. Just wow.”

Amy hung her head. “I'm sorry, I -”

Lisa squeezed her shoulder. “It's okay. I'm just teasing. All I want from you is to give me a chance. To treat me like a friend, and not like the supervillain who talked her way on to the team. Is it possible for you to do that?”

Amy raised her head, and looked at Lisa. “And that's it? Just … give you a chance?”

Lisa nodded. “And, you know, take my advice from time to time. If you feel like it.”

“What sort of advice -” began Amy.

“Nothing illegal, or even immoral,” Lisa hastened to assure her. “Just … general life advice. From a friend. You don't even have to act on it if you don't want to. Okay?”

Amy considered this. Lisa wasn't threatening her with exposure. She wasn't even trying to blackmail anything out of her. She was just offering … friendship. Advice. That Amy didn't even have to take.

She tried to look for the catch. “And if I don't take your advice?”

Lisa shrugged. “You don't take it. No biggie. All I ask is that you give me a fair hearing.”

Amy blinked. “Uh, okay. And that's it. That's all you want.”

Lisa gave her a sunny smile, absent the fox-like overtones. “That's all I want.”

Amy felt herself on the verge of accepting it. But there was something bugging her. “And if I choose not to be your friend, to listen to your advice, you'll tell Vicky.” And destroy my relationship with the only person who sees me as I am.

Lisa shook her head. “Nope. I wouldn't do that to you.”

“Just ... advice, then?”

Lisa's eyes met Amy's; her bottle-green gaze was intent, serious. No hint of a grin on her face, now. “Just advice. If you've got questions about anything, I can probably give you answers.”

“I - “ Amy looked around, at the gathering. Vicky was now chatting with Taylor, but glancing her way. Amy gave her a quick smile, before returning her attention to Lisa. “Can I think about it?”

Lisa patted her shoulder. “Sure. Take as long as you want. You know where to find me.” She slid off of the chair arm and strolled away. Someone had brought out drinks on a tray, and she took one now. Turning back to look at Amy, she raised it slightly in a silent toast, then took a drink.

Amy leaned back in the chair again, trying to marshal her scattered thoughts. If she'd thought her life was strange this morning, now she had an overture from a certified supervillain, who offered to her what she could not help but see as a bribe of information. In return for what? My friendship, for what that's worth?

Will she out me, anyway, to Vicky?

It didn't seem to fit. Lisa wasn't asking her for anything, not even hinting. Just requesting that Amy give her a fair hearing.

What does she want from me?

She was still trying to figure that one out when someone sat down in the armchair next to hers.

“Hey, kiddo,” Danny Hebert greeted her. He held out a cup to her. “Soda?”

“Thanks.” She accepted it gratefully, sipped at it. The cold, sugary beverage tasted heavenly.

“So, how you feel about being in the team so far?” he asked conversationally. “Any matters you'd like to raise?”

Slowly, she shook her head. “That training you've got the others doing, I'll have to do it too, right?”

He nodded. “That's the idea. We work hard to make sure everyone's on the same page, so that when something goes down unexpectedly, the team's got a plan.”

“Oh, yeah,” she agreed. “When Emma and the others were in the bank, it just … worked. They knew what to do. I want to be a part of that.”

“Even if it means being shot with paintballs?” Danny teased her gently. “They sting like all crap, you know.”

“Even if,” she agreed. “And you know, if and when I get back to New Wave, I'll have stuff to show them.”

“That's very true,” Danny agreed gravely, then paused. “Now, not to pry, but you seemed to be having a very intense conversation with our resident ex-villain before I came along. You didn't seem to be the happiest at times there. Anything we should know about?”

Amy considered that. If I tell him what she said, then I have to tell him what she meant. And it might get back to Vicky.

She took a deep breath. “No. Nothing to be concerned about. She's just interested in being friends, is all.” Which is basically true, anyway. Although I have no idea why.

Maybe she just wants to be in good with the team healer.

But she knows I'd heal her anyway. So it can't be that.

Danny nodded and spoke, breaking into her thoughts. “Well, that's good. For all that she's a criminal, I'm finding her quite pleasant to get along with. Even if she does like showing off that she knows more than anyone else.”

“Wow, really?” she asked, her eyes wide with simulated surprise. “I haven't noticed that at all.

They both burst out laughing. Danny reached across and ruffled her hair affectionately. “You'll do, kiddo. You'll do.”

Amy leaned back in the chair once more. I really do think I'll like it here.



Lisa turned around at the tap on her shoulder. “Me,” she agreed. “Hi, Vicky. Enjoying the get-together?”

Vicky ignored the attempt at small-talk, as Lisa had known she would. “What were you talking to my sister about?”

“Why yes, Glory Girl, I'm enjoying myself too, thank you very much,” Lisa replied, deadpan. “Everyone's so friendly and giving me the chance to show that I'm not actually that bad after all.”

Vicky frowned, and Lisa felt the barest hint of her aura, before the white-clad hero shut it down again. “I want to know what you were talking about.”

Lisa shook her head. “Sorry. You're gonna have to ask sister dear about that.” She leaned in close, put her hand alongside her mouth in a conspiratorial fashion, and added in a stage whisper, ”Boyfriends.”

Vicky's expression turned mildly confused. “What? You're serious?”

Lisa grinned. “Nope. I'm Tattletale. And yes, I was pulling your leg. If you want to know what we talked about, just go and ask her.”

Vicky glowered. Lisa stood her ground. “Not a supervillain any more, Gee-Gee. I'm fairly certain you aren't allowed to use glare-of-death on me. Union rules, you know.”

With a barely suppressed growl, Vicky stomped over to where Amy sat. From where Lisa leaned against the wall, it looked as though she was asking Amy questions, and Amy was deflecting them, much as she had done with Danny.

Taylor leaned against the wall beside Lisa, raising an eyebrow as she did. “So, do you actively enjoy baiting the Alexandria Junior in the room?”

Lisa took a sip of her drink, then grinned at Taylor. “Maybe just a little. It's very liberating, no longer being a supervillain, you know. I can tell heroes what I think of them, and they don't have an excuse to beat my head in or, you know, dislocate my arm or something.”

Taylor sighed. “Or maybe you just like living dangerously.”

Lisa inclined her head slightly. “Or maybe that.”

Taylor nodded. “Can I ask you a question?”

Lisa gestured with her cup; carefully, so as not to spill the contents. “Go ahead.” She knew what the question would be, of course.

“What did you talk to Amy about?” She smiled, so as to disarm the probing tone.

Lisa smiled back. “I could say the same thing that I did to Glory Girl, but you were a lot more polite about asking, so I'll return the favour.” She drank from her cup. “Amy's hurting. I can see it. I can see why. I want to help her.”

Taylor blinked. “But … why?”

Lisa tilted her head. “What, a villain can't do something nice for someone without there being an ulterior motive?”

Taylor snorted. “Rarely.”

Lisa grinned, acknowledging the point. “Well, yes, but this time the ulterior motive is my own peace of mind. I … knew someone, once, who was hurting, and I didn't do anything. This time … maybe I can.” She gave Taylor a direct stare. “Please don't tell Amy I said that, okay?”

Taylor looked steadily at her, then glanced over at Amy. “I've been there. I know what it's like. If you can help her, do it.” If you hurt her, you're on your own.

“Understood,” agreed Lisa, with a nod. And she did; she understood everything Taylor had just said, as well as what she had not said.

Taylor nodded. “Good.”


“Tell me what she said to you.”

Amy shook her head. “No. It was a private conversation.”

Vicky stared at her in frustration. “A private conversation, with a supervillain you barely know? What can you have between you that's private?”

Amy stared at her defiantly. “Private stuff.”

Vicky threw up her hands. “This is ridiculous. I'm gonna call Mom, and she'll pull you straight out of this team. I knew it was a bad idea from the start.”

Amy shook her head. “No, you won't.”

“Ames.” Vicky tried for a voice of reason. “I'm your sister. I just want what's right for you. Can't you see? Tattletale's a villain. Whatever she's said to you, it's twisted your head around. You need to get out of here before you're totally taken in by what she's saying.”

Amy set her jaw. “No. This is my thing. I'm doing it.”

“If I call Mom -”

Amy rounded on her sister. “I'll quit New Wave before I let you or Mom push me around like this!” she flared. “Now drop it! Please.

Vicky stared at her, aghast. “You wouldn't.

Amy's voice was implacable, although there was pain in her eyes. “I would. If you forced me to it, I would.”

Vicky dropped her eyes, and knelt beside her sister's chair. “I'm sorry, Ames,” she told Amy softly. “I just want the best for you.”

Amy put her arm around Vicky's shoulders. “I know,” she replied, equally softly. “I know.”

You and everyone else.

But if everyone wants different things for me, how do I know which choice I should take?

It was not, she suspected, a question with a ready answer. 

Part 20


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