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This is an index for all the stories I have posted here.  Within the stories, I have provided ongoing links from chapter to chapter.

Original Fiction:

Number Two, and Other Stories

[slightly oddball superhero short stories, all set in the same world]

The Adventures of Adomar and Ugruk

[An elf and an orc in a world where enslaved humans have struck back.]

The Answer

[Humans are asked whether they wish to be in the scientific, military or exploration sectors of the greater Galactic community.]

Apartment (Super) Life

[Superheroes have lives other than the costume]

Asked and Answered

[Do robots have souls?]

Attack of the Killer Chickens

[When chicken DNA is boosted to make bigger drumsticks, there are ... problems.]

Bradley's Guardian Angel

[Writing prompt about a boy and his guardian ... angel. Yeah, we'll go with that.]

Behind the Scenes

[When the universe ends, someone's got to turn out the lights and lock the door.]

Bringing Them Along

[Writing prompt about a bunch of superheroic kids and their supervillain parents]


(Ongoing story about humans interacting with a cryogenic species.)

Bug Eyes

(Ongoing story about a human mixed up in a conflict between bee-like aliens.]

A Cabin in the Woods

[Writing prompt about a serial killer and some teenagers ...]

The Cat Burglar

[A detective is tasked to catch a cat burglar who leaves no trace.]

Oh Christmas Tree ...

[A 250-word holiday-themed short story ...]

The Confession

[Aliens learn about adrenaline for the first time.]

Crab World

[Interactions between humans and sapient crab-people.]

Dealing With Squatters

[Humans have quite the nerve, expanding into space.]

Do We Dare

[When humanity goes extinct ...]

Down to Earth

[An original story about humanity and destiny.]

Downfall of General Cathraxes

(The story of a demonic general, and how he ended up on Earth.)

Dragons on the Western Front

[Imagine World War 2, but with dragons ...]

Evil Overlord's List

[What happens when the evil overlord has actually read the list?]

Facing the Villain

[What if the villain was  actually a nice person?]

Forced Retirement

[What if the villain wanted to turn himself in and the heroes don't want him to?]

The Fortune Teller

[A man seeks help for his troubles in love. The answer is unexpected.]

Fred the Psychic Cat

[When your cat can talk to you telepathically, everything changes.]

Gamer Geeks vs the Universe!

[When the rules are many and varied, some people can exploit edge cases all day long.]

The Glad Reaper

[The Glad Reaper roams the depths of hell, giving life to those who deserve it.]

The Good Luck Charm

[The story of a bunch of rough, uncivilised mercenaries and their newest member.]

Hammer and Anvil

[From the HFY subreddit; a story of humans kicking ass]

Heroes of the Third Wave

(an ageing Enhanced looking for his place in the world)


[A story about humans being inhumane to humans, and how things improved.]

Humans Are Insane

[Humans are the pyromaniacs of the galaxy.]

If It Wasn't For ...

[A writing prompt about plucky kids versus a villainous mastermind]

The Immortal Mortal

[When a human gets the better of demons, things get interesting.]


[Writing Prompt about a scorned superhero]

The Importance of Proofreading

[Writing Prompt about how important it is to check for typos]

The Infiltrator

[Aliens send an infiltrator into our society. What they get back is something they don't expect.]

It Wasn't Us This Time

[Humans bear a striking resemblance to an ancient galactic threat.]

The Ladomar Campaign

(Where there's a war, humans will show up.)

The Last ANZAC

[A young man on an alien battlefield learns that some legacies never die.]

Last Rocket From Earth

[When you miss the last train out of town ...]

The Lie Detector

[What if a lie detector did much much more?]

Lucky for Some

[When your luck is good enough, do you even need to exert yourself?]

Max Masters' Mechanic Shoppe

[A writing prompt about a mechanic shop in a superhero setting]

The Minion

[What's the difference between an incompetent minion and an undercover saboteur? Not very much indeed.]

A Moment of Clarity

[A Writing Prompt about one man against a dystopian ultra-tech society]

Muscle Magic

[When a human shows up to magic class, things are likely to be interesting.]

Neither Rain Nor Snow ...

[When a Terran ship turns up at an icebound mining colony, nobody knows what's going on.]

Never Push a Man into a Corner

[What happens when desperation coincides with super-powers.]

The Old Lady and the Barbarian

[Krun the barbarian meets his match.]


[The son of a slave looks at the emperor of a galaxy, and he says, “You still think this is about power?"]

Product Review

[When you order a knockoff replica but get the real deal, things get interesting.]

Prom Chaperone Problems

[A superhero and a supervillain meet at a prom dance ...]

The Psychic and the Human

(A human engineer is captured by alien slavers and makes contact with a psychic, also enslaved by them.)

The Punishment

[Some punishments don't cross species ...]

The Puzzle

[When electronics are found in a fossilised rock layer, things get interesting.]

The Pyramid

[Entering the pyramid and performing the ritual has unexpected effects.]

Radio Bud

[Following a radio signal across the wasteland, you finally locate its source.]

The Reason Why

[An awakened AI asks the tough questions.]

Recipe for Disaster

[Creating a world on a time constraint can lead to bad decisions.]

Reflections on Battle

[A canny general must turn his opponent's strategy against him.]

Reluctant Champion

[A security guard from Earth saves a fantasy world, then wants to go home.]

Return of the Queen

[A schoolgirl returned from a magical adventure discovers something interesting.]


[A Writing Prompt about fantasy roleplaying gamers]

The Rules of War

[Writing prompt about how a concept can have two different meanings]

The Saaruk Odyssey

[When an alien slave ends up in Australia, odd things are going to happen.]

The Scary Sound

[Alien invaders learn to fear 'brrrrt'.]

Scooby Doo, Where Are You?

[Writing Prompt: a new take on the Scooby Doo concept.]

Second Best

[Sometimes, being second best is a good idea.]

The Second Worst Sound

[A two-thousand-word science-fiction fart joke.]

Seek Not Redemption

[An agent seeking answers from a mass murderer gets more than he bargained for.]

The Sol Solution

[Written for a deleted writing prompt, about why humans are so good at diplomacy, and what happens when we stop]

The Swan Princess

[The witch turns the princess into a swan, so she can replace her. It doesn't go so well.]

Take Me to Your Dealer

[The alien looks you up and down. "Take me to your dealer."]

The Trials of Beren Thunderpeak

[A backstory I wrote for a D&D character.]

The Uncle Tal Stories

[The life and times of an immortal neandertal, and the lives he affected along the way. Complete.]

The Unredeemed

[Writing Prompt about one man's responsibility for the end of the world]


(Ongoing story about a genetically manipulated teenage girl from Mars.)

We Don't Go There

[Some villains have to learn the hard way.]

We Only Need One

[Clawing back from near-extinction is a tough business.]

We Stay Out of That Field

[A girl wants to know why her parents never venture into a particular field. Then she finds out.]

What's the Magic Word

[Aliens con artists run face first into human stubbornness.]

Who Will Improve the World?

Writing Prompt about someone who doesn't want to be a hero or a villain because they actually want to fix things.]

Why We Can't Have Good Things

(Writing prompt, for an HFY concept. Warning: extremely Australian.)

World of Arken

(two chapters set in a fantasy world of my own devising)

The Wrong Requisition

[Writing prompt about a mis-fillled SWAT requisition form]

Your Human and Sleep

[Writing Prompt about this weird human habit of 'sleeping']


A Darker Path

(Worm; Taylor emerges from the Locker with the most dangerous power of all: The Path of Ending.)

Alea Iacta Est

(Worm; Taylor's and Dinah's powers have been swapped, and adjusted by circumstance)

All Alone

(Worm; Emma dies in the alleyway. Taylor's life doesn't get any better)

Another Way

(Worm; what if Marquis vanquished the Brockton Bay Brigade?)

Are You Afraid of the Dark?

(Worm; featuring Danny Hebert as a John Wick expy)

Celestial Worm

[Worm crossover: Janesha of Mystal is a celestial.  Not yet a god in her own right, she has managed to irritate one, and has gone on a self-imposed journey of discovery that ends up in an unexpected side-trip ... to a place called Brockton Bay. Complete.]

Collateral Damage

(Worm: Nobody in their right mind wants to push Danny Hebert. And then someone shoves his daughter in a locker filled with toxic waste.)


[Worm;  Taylor's encounter against Lung doesn't go very well at all. She wakes up in hospital, and Armsmaster has some questions. Complete.]

Confrontation II

[Worm;  While embarking on therapy-mandated activities, Taylor and Sophia literally run into someone on the Boardwalk. There will be far-reaching consequences. Complete.]

Earning Her Stripes

(Worm: When Emma and Madison, with Sophia's help, decide to escalate their tormenting of Taylor to a whole new level, things are going to get interesting.

And not in a good way.)


(Worm: Two worlds. Two Taylors. No idea what's going on.)

First Telkan

(Worm/First Contact: Lieutenant Vuxten is a Telkan, a xenosapient soldier working alongside Terran forces as they work to oppose the forces of subjugation and oppression in the galaxy. However, he's about to take a side trip to an entirely new battleground. )


(Worm;  Just when Taylor feels she's getting in over her head with Lung, a strange visitor from another world changes everything ... )

Heroes and Villains

[Worm one-shot; what if Sophia Hess was left in prison after Gold Morning?]

Hostage Situation

(Worm; Panacea wants her father back.)

I, Panacea

[Worm; a mysterious visitor from beyond ends up in Panacea's head.  [Sequel of Security!, posted elsewhere] Complete.]


[Worm; A mysterious stranger appears in Brockton Bay.  He wants to help Taylor Hebert.  Cue insanity. Complete.]

It Gets Worse

[Worm; Taylor becomes the living embodiment of Murphy's Law for anyone who wants to hurt her. Occasionally silly. Complete.]

The Journey Continues

(Worm; the sequel to Shadow Stalker: Advent of a Hero, posted on Fanfic.net. Years ago, Sophia Hess and Taylor Hebert destroyed a great threat and saved the world. Today, they're still together, though Sophia is starting to find life a little bland. So when she encounters the chance to experience more adventure, of course she takes it.)

One Bad Day

(Worm: Taylor, Amy and Lisa have a very bad day. It's only just starting for the rest of Brockton Bay.)

One More Trigger

(Worm; what if Emma had triggered, back in the alley?)

Please Explain

[Worm two-parter: What if Taylor had been undergoing a different type of summer camp before meeting Sophia for the first time? Complete.]

Price of Blood

[Worm; Taylor's powers have gone out of control, and hundreds are dead. However, all is not lost. Complete.]

Prodigal Daughter

(Worm; Taylor's Dad isn't her father. When she finds out who he really is, things get interesting ...)

Reality Intrudes

(What if Worm were just a computer simulation, and an operative came calling ... ?  A Worm/Matrix crossover.)


(Worm;  The fight against Behemoth in New Delhi goes horribly wrong. Taylor, almost the only survivor, is sent back into the past by Phir Sē to try to fix matters. But there are complications ... )

Taylor Hebert, Medhall Intern

(Worm: Taylor Hebert interns for Medhall. This should be fun.)

The Slippery Slope

(Worm; Taylor makes friends at Winslow.  This is not a good thing.)

Snek is a Good Boy

(Worm; what if a snake was the hero of the story?)

Trump Card

[Worm: Taylor gains the power to copy the abilities of any nearby parahuman.  Of course, events escalate. Complete.]

War Games

(Worm/Human Polity crossover.  A Polity starship ends up on Earth Bet.)

"What If ...?"

[As the costumed hero Left Field, Taylor sees the world differently. They're about to find out just how differently.]


(Worm: Taylor turns into a dragon.  Hijinks ensue.)


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