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Really high ceilings in that house




*Attack on titan opening plays*


Making a mountain out of a molehill. Edit: I absolutely love everything about this page.


Not really much to this one this month. Wish this comic was more frequent.


Everyone does and Im sure Hyro does as well. Thematically this page works very well, it hits several buttons for many people here. Sounds to me that you should keep you pessimistic opinions to yourself and shove em! If you want more pages then I'm sure you'll be happy giving up something in return, Fan Arts perhaps, because without more time or more money, it'll be nigh impossible for hyro to get more pages out. So Yeah, I wish it was more frequent too, but Im happy with what we're given for the amount we're paying


Yeah, it would probably take up 1 or 2 of the fanarts depending on how long it takes to make a comic page though and idk if the community or hyro would be too keen on that, but its maybe something worth exploring


I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt here and say you only meant you like the comic and you wish that the story had progressed more. And I think that's understandable. But Hyro does work hard and comments like this can be discouraging.


I like the poster with the smiling friends reference on it, small details make the world go round lol


Yes, I do greatly enjoy the comic and I have commented with high praise many time in the past and yes waiting a month for the story to barely progress is a let down. No doubt he works very hard and I would never say otherwise but maybe 1-2 fanarts less with 1 extra comic page a month would be a nicer balance. That is just my opinion as a supporter to his patreon, and I feel it was worth voicing.


I hope he gets to change her when she is this size :p


I agree, I only subscribe because of how much I love this comic. It is just that good. I appreciate the other artwork but it's all about this comic for me. So given that it's only one post a month, getting a single panel feels disappointing only because it's little story progression and I have to wait another month to see what happens next. That being said, I do LOVE this panel. It's great. I just can't wait to see more! I think it's fair to say that without knocking the artist in any way. They've created something people just want more of and that's great.


I can only imagine how that room smells. That is one massive load!


Careful where you sit