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Hello all you beautiful people,

I'm here to make an announcement that I believe will be exciting to many of you, but probably frustrating to others.  After a full year of offering my $10 'Hyper Hero' sketch tier, I'm very pleased with the tangible results - my volume of output has increased enormously, and I've had opportunities to draw scenarios that ordinarily might never win a fan art poll.

Unfortunately I have also observed several flaws in the tier at its present price.  Due to the low $10 price tag, the 10 slots of the tier have been occupied by the same 10 patrons since the day it was opened.  I want to be very clear on my feelings about this - I am extremely flattered and humbled to have patrons who appreciate my art that much.  My concern about having the same patrons occupying the tier indefinitely is simply that it prevents any other patrons from ever enjoying those same benefits.  In addition to the former concern, I've also realized that the amount of time it takes me to produce even the quickest sketch rewards considerably exceeds what $10 should reasonably constitute.

For both of the above reasons, I've made the decision to reprice my 'Hyper Hero' sketch tier from $10 to $30.  Due to the way Patreon works, rather than altering the price of the currently existing tier, I will need to open a new tier starting at the new price.  The new 'Hyper Hero' tier will open two weeks from now, on March 1st at 1:00 PM PST.  The old version of the tier will no longer be available to join starting March 1st, and will be completely deleted on March 20th (or as soon as it has completely emptied out).  If you are currently pledged to my sketch tier, be sure to select one of my new tiers between March 1st and 20th!  

If you’re still in the old 'Hyper Hero' tier when it’s deleted, you’ll still be my patron, but you’ll be a “no tier” patron, and won’t have the same access as you currently do.

Here’s how to select a new tier: How do I edit my membership? 

It is my sincere hope that this change will resolve the issues that currently exist with the sketch tier.  I chose the new price in the hope that it would be just enough to stimulate a small amount of monthly turnover, so that other patrons could have a chance to take advantage of my sketch rewards in the future.  Thank you all for your time, and here's to another year of art!




I'm excited, I've been wanting to have a chance to get some more obscure characters


Will it still be limited to 10 people?


Yes. Because I am unable to fit any more than 10 of these into a month, my only way of responding to demand at this point is unfortunately by increasing the price.

Mark Haynes

I myself am excited at the possibility of getting into the tier, but I do have my doubts on people giving up the role once they've secured it...I knownI wouldn't!


People that already have had the tier can they still acquire the tier again after the changes?