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The results are in! The 3 top winners of the June fan art poll are:

• Tsuyu (My Hero Academia) caught by villains and now forced to mess her diapers under her suit. She is sitting on her hypermessed diaper, pushing yet another load out.

• Leela (Futurama) dragging her massive hypermssed diaper under her work pants, complaing about having to MAKE the cargo for sentient plants.

• The Samsung AI Assistant drawn as a female, saying something about a complete failure as she messes a diaper.

The fourth slot is a TIE between Android 18 from Dragon Ball Super and Delia Ketchum from Pokemon, which means those two are going to a RUNOFF POLL! Can't wait to draw the top 3 winners, and to see who will be lucky number 4!

Congrats to the winners! The next monthly poll will be held at the start of July.



Can’t believe my suggestion won! Can’t wait


These polls are always so interesting. In the past Hinata did really good and won but this time around Temari did really badly. It's interesting to see the tide change.


Admittedly Temari was a long shot, I totally forgot the poll was going on until the last minute and I didn’t have a more mainstream idea on hand.


I wouldn't say it was a long shot. Tsunade got really close and Hinata actually won before.


Hinata is sweet and Tsunade is...well-endowed. Temari gives off more adversarial, less diaper-y vibes than those two and I think that’s my problem here lol >>