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Hello there, boys and girls. Uncle Hyro here with a few important March announcements.

The March fan art poll submission thread will go live at 12 noon PST on Monday, March 2nd. The rules will be the same as always (one character per person, no repeats of previous winning characters, etc.) so you can refer to the previous submission threads if you want to review the rules, or simply read them when I include them again at the top of the next thread. Looking forward to seeing everyone's ideas this month!

Some of you may have noticed that with the end of February I'm still short one fan art poll winner and one Danny's Inferno page. As far as the fan art, that pic will just be a couple days late. But for the comic, I believe I will unfortunately have to make a revision to my monthly Patreon commitments. I was between jobs when I started this Patreon at the beginning of the year, and did not know how much time I would have at my disposal to devote to creating content for it once I did find a new job. Well, a few weeks ago I did find a new full time job, and since I'm also going to night school several days a week, I have found I simply don't have enough time on my hands to consistently turn out 2 comic pages per month.

I draw slowly even when I'm trying to hurry, and a comic page unavoidably takes a very long time for me to complete. As such, I am revising my monthly commitment from 2 guaranteed comic pages, to 1 guaranteed comic page, and a 2nd page as a goal I will try my best to meet. I'm hoping that I can at least get one and a half comic pages out per month going forward. I apologize to anyone who is disappointed by this announcement. If anyone wants to un-pledge because of this, I'll understand and respect your decision, and I appreciate the support you have given me thus far. Thank you always for your patronage.

Here's to a productive March!



Looks like we're gonna see Midna in March (alliteration)