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Here's this month's Atlas and the Stars update, you can check out the previous updates for this episode in this tag.

Good news is that I got a good amount of Scene 2's animation complete as well as starting on Scene 1. Unfortunately, there has been some setbacks behind the scenes, and I think that it is possible that production will slow down for the time being.

Looking back, there's a lot that I'm not entirely happy with anymore, and I feel that a lot of the dialogue was weaker than it should be. I've made the decision to step back and rewrite the episode so I can strengthen and enhance the scenes that need it. Maybe I'm being too critical, but I'd rather work with something I'm 100% happy with then forcing myself and dedicating so much time creating something that I won't be proud of. On the bright side, I'm feeling extremely confident with the rewrites, and I can already see that this is exactly what the episode needed. And thankfully, Scenes 2 and 1 are still extremely solid and won't be needing rewrites, so I won't be losing any animation that I've done.

Yes, this is going to cause a delay. I have to finalize the updated script, send it back out for recording, and then edit all the audio back together. But in my opinion, it's completely worth it, and I'm positive this episode will be worth the wait. I knew 2024 was never a realistic release date, but there's definitely no way for me to pull it off now without trapping myself in impossible deadlines. instead, I am aiming for early or mid 2025. You guys won't be completely left in the dark, I plan to upload a clip or teaser later this year like I had done for EP 1. Stay tuned!

Monthly updates will still continue! I'll still be working on everything that I can, but there is a lot that will be put on hold for now.

Outside of Episode 2...The third episode's script is in the final process of being finished up and I am extremely happy with it. I really can't wait to show this one off! It's looking like it'll probably be my personal favorite of the series. As a treat, I've included some visual development I've done for the episode so far, as well as a special look at one of the new upcoming characters from the episode. 🌴🌊




COSMO MY BOYYYYY!!!Incredible job, everything is coming along so beautifully!!!


Good on you for making that decision. I’m sure it’ll be amazing!