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You should've noticed by now that all of you got your patreon dropbox access emailed you again. I had over 200+ people in my dropbox and I only have a little bit iver 60 actual patreons who do pledge 10+ usd and whose pledge went through. In order to depurate the list I had to unshare the folder and then I resent the folder invitation to only people whose pledge has been processed and is over 10 usd.

If your pledge went through and it's over 10 usd and you didn't get your invitation, please let me know. Also I think I sent dropbox invitation to some that already had drive. So please if you're one of them, let me know.

Again, just a simple reminder that the dropbox folder access is granted for a month every time your 10+ usd pledge go through.

Thank you for your patronage and for making my passion a way of life. <3

Again, suggestions, comments, etc. Are more than welcome!



How does it work to get the link once the pledge is made?


I am wondering as my payment went through on Apr 1st and I have received nothing yet. Do you do it manually or was it supposed to be automated for the Dropbox / drive link?