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Well, I am in a position where I don't think I do enough money anymore. my bills are piling up and I've been having to take commissions monthly. My health isn't declining (much lol) but the meds aren't doing it's thing. The doctor thinks it has something to do with my thyroid so I had my blood taken to be tested, results will be given to me on the 10th. 

 I also think it might be just that my stress levels are off the charts again.

 To be honest, I've found myself in a place where the art rewards aren't working, not the sketches or inks. at least not how they're set now. I have a huge backlog of that reward and it also means that the dynamics are getting delayed more than expected. It also means that I can't take any personal projects or comics (that's why neither blood bonds or Old dog have new chapters, or why I wasn't able to do that new "souls of the past" chapter, the KSNB "too far" (the remake of the part 2 of my very first comic) or that remake of Legacy of Celune's werewolves that I've been CRAVING to do. 

 So i ask you guys. What would be best? should I keep on doing the art rewards or just take those down and focus on doing like a weekly comic page. I've seen that most artists do that and they're greatly received and praised. I kind of do a lot of art each month and i've been feeling that I'm actually making less and less money each month as of late. I think the art rewards pleases those who have them but doesn't really appeal to those who don't get that tier. 

I want your opinion, your suggestions and what would you like to see to make this place a more entertaining and fun patreon, worthy of your support and time. I am very grateful for all the support all this time so I want to be right to each one of you!

 If you have a suggestion, an oppinion regarding the topic or just want to add something, please leave a comment. Let's try to keep the comments to a constructive tone, please. 



You could do comics.. not furry


I'd love to see a weekly comic, and I support the work you want to create and put out, whatever that may be! Whatever you need to do to the tiers to make it financially viable to you I support fully.


i say yes change the tier list and pricing. Or do a weekly/monthly comic, you dont want to add too much onto your plate so that you can continue your personal projects. I like alot of your comics. Dont think ive seen a earlier version


It's important to prioritize your health and your finances. You are an incredibly good artist who can charge more for your art than you think you can. If you want to talk about it and hear some advice about how other artists have progress past your current hurdle, DM me on Twitter. You know who I am, cub. *hugs*


I tried with old dog but it went highly unnoticed. I do wanna go back to it eventually tho

Leo Fairmane

I always advocate for doing whatever is best for you. There's definitely no reason to add to your stress with an increasing backlog of art. That said, meaningful rewards are definitely useful, so I'd say drop your lower tier art, do the "commission" style slots and set it to a reasonable number of limited slots, and present a weekly or so reward of a comic or whatever you want

Star Ringer

Do whatever you need to do to make ends meet.


Did you try seeing if companies like "Classic Comics " would pic up your comics


You may want to restructure your tiers a lots of artist usually keep it simple, a "low" tier (5 to 10 bucks) to get you access to see stuff as it is posted (that would be combining the first 2 tiers you currently have). A middle tier around 10-15 bucks for the archive and/or the drobox access. And one single high tier 150+ bucks for commission quality art. It is ok to charge more money for what you do, honestly your prices are relatively low compared to other artist and you are equally talented.