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So I was just mugged at gunpoint by three attackers. They took all I had with me (except for my phone, dunno why lol) so yeah. I'm sorry for the upcoming delays. I'm broke and behind work just like the good old days x_x fml


Russell Hale

Oh my god, that’s horrible, im glad your safe at least,


Holy crap that's terrible, I'm so sorry that happened to you


What can I do to help


Omg, that’s so scary! Glad you are ok, but man hope the cops get them and you get your stuff back. Stay safe man. ❤️

Bryan shaw

Omg that's crazy mam. So glad your ok though. Hope they didn't get to much of you money too.


Sorry to hear about that. At least you are physically ok though. If they did get your bank card or anything make sure you immediately report them as stolen.


If you need some money to get you through send out your cash app or Venmo. I’m sure your subscribers wouldn’t mind helping a guy in need.


I don't have neither. I'm in Mexico so I only got PayPal but the thought is greatly appreciated


Send it out. See what happens. Your a great artist and I’m sure the community would love to keep you around.


Sorry to hear that is horrible :(