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The change has been made and those whose pledge went through before I changed the tier get their reward still. I noticed someone got the 20 usd tier right before I changed it. I will try to squeeze in the reward even tho the deadline for the sketches requests is the 15th. 

If you want to remain in the 20 usd you'll really, really help me out and if you wanna upgrade to the 30 usd, well... that'd be super awesome cuz god knows I could use the money. I'm about to move (yes, finally) and appearantly the expenses are gonna be huge the first months... 

Another thing I wanted to talk to you, those who have art rewards and decide not to claim them. 

 I want to thank you cuz you give me time to focus on other things, like this month's Choose your own adventure "sons of light and thunder" and I intend to keep that as an ongoing thing for as long as you guys want. 

 Additionally, if I have less rewards to deliver, I can keep doing general content like dynamics and continue working on Blood bonds (And once I'm done with that, I've been meaning to do a remake of Legacy of Celune's Werewolves, one of my very first printed comics so I'm beyond eager to do that! )

 I just want you to know that I will keep you entertained even if you don't claim your drawing. 

Thank you so much for your support and let's keep this fun and kinky <3


Greg Norty

Hi, that was me haha, I didn't realize the 20$ tier was getting a change, I think the text post was specifically locked to those who were on the 20$ tier and up, so I changed mine to the new 30$ tier if that makes it easier lol.