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I've been feeling a little woozy as of the past few days and I was told yesterday that someone I got in t contact with tested positive for covid so I went to test myself and I was positive as well.
I have no symptoms other than a mild headache and a sore body, no fever or loss of senses or any other symptom, but I am just starting so I dunno how this might be. So if you see me lowering my rhythm or being delayed on the works is cuz I'm probably struggling a bit. Wish me luck and, people... I love you for all your support.



Praying you get better.


Hope you get better soon!


Glad it doesn’t sound like a bad case of it, hope you get better soon! Please take all the time you need to rest up and recover.


Don't overwork yourself just because you don't feel bad right now. Rest and take care of yourself


please dont overworked and do recvoer well. rather wait next month for healthy artist


You take of yourself above everything else. Stay strong and well be here for you.

Matthew E

Take your time to recover!


Sorry to hear that, please take care of yourself & get well soon!


Take care of yourself and you will recover in no time!

Russell Hale

Take care, and I pray the best for you