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So I want to know what you guys think about my collaboration with dyne. I noticed a (quite hefty) reduction in my patreons this month so I want to know what do you gotta want to see, if you felt like my collaboration in embay circle wasn't of your liking.

 I want this to be a fun experience but I also wanna know how much liberty can I take creatively wise (to do other projects and collaborations like in this game)

 This is an honest question and it'll help me work towards making my patreon page a more alluring place for you guys. 



I just joined your Patreon a few days ago so I don’t feel like I can probably answer. I will just say I just love your art so I just wanted to support that.

Matthew E

I second that. I love your artwork so this I support.


I haven't received a word.


I actually was thinking about cancelling my Patreon support until you did this collaboration. I love that you are trying different things! I would like to see more projects like this!