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2 new illustrations on yoked coder
new illustrations on sketches rewards for patreons of 20usd +
-1 new on /coda
-1 new on /geode
-1 new on /phoenixfire0
3 illustrations and a time lapse on tablet sketches/2019
1 illustration on shiro Uzumaki

(friendly reminder that blood bond part 6 is on the blood bonds folder and this year's Xmas special is on kuma senshi no bokki/Christmas specials/kuma senshi no bokki Christmas special 2019)

Been a bit of a busy month hehe. I think there are some more new pics on other folders but I didn't register them like this



Wow, thank you for posting this. It is very helpful to know where the new stuff is posted. Thank you.


Thanks man. I will be waiting for my account to gain access to your drive.