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You can find it in Drive/Dropbox under the folder:

Blood Bonds/

Dunno if you noticed before but I've been posting the pages as I was working on them. I'm thinking on doing a list of what I post in the dropbox/drive and then share the list so you know about it and where to look for it. Let me know what you think.




Honestly this comic is a wonderful Christmas present. I hope you are having an awesome holiday.


A list for the update of the folder is an excellent idea


yea, woulda been nice to know he was putting them out. I had no clue


Great work Mark, I loved every second of it! Thanks for the treat!


That the problem with drive, they're is any log of the changes... You can see it only the one time the update is made, but if you close your pc, drive will not show the notification anymore. Dropbox had, but the art folder is to big for free Dropbox users