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At the begining of the month there was a bug that declined all the pledges. It was soon fixed, yet a bunch of declined pledges showed up.

A declined pledge means you don't get your reward for this month. I really don't like to deny something, but if I want to make this work, and keep doing a ton of work as I've been doing as of late, I need to take this seriously.
I ended up getting a lot less than the "monthly ammount" i get here (wich means it is relative, for those who thinks that me getting a ten hundred bucks was too much for me, so you win xD)
So if you see that your dropbox access is no longer working is because your pledge didn't go through this month. If it clears next month it will be restored, of course.
The dropbox access is gathered by a list that patreon gives about people's pledges, whose cleared and whose that didn't. If your pledge did clear and was charged and your access was removed, let me know so we can fix that.



was wondering anyone still get the glitch of declined pledges.. it's happening every month for me, and the declined pledges are getting worse. And I know it's not my patrons fault, cause some of them uses the same credit card information and has been working fine previously. this is very frustrating as Patreon keep telling me it's not their fault but Paypal. Sigh.


That sucks and I pledged aswell for the first time ;-:

Greg Norty

Hopefully mine will go through, didn't get access since I did it at the beginning of july, but wasn't sure if mine was affected since you said there was a problem. Anyways, keep up the good work! Can't wait to see the awesome stuff you've done so far!


Well that sucks - just hope that you still have some go through...


Those who pledged in july, their pledge will pass until the first days of august. :3


Aww I have to wait another month now oh well support is more important hope your managing with less pledges this month silly system


my pledge when through :D

Greg Norty

Hey, do you by any chance know how long it takes for the payment to go through? I originally was going to pay through a gift visa gift card, but I wasn't thinking that was going to work, so I switched it to my bank card, and kind of worried that I'm gonna have to wait another whole month :/