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I had 120 patreons yesterday and today I got a bit over 90... seriously, guys... this is my main source of income. I dunno if those who do that expect me to be fooled, or just do it to see my work I post here and avoid paying... but it’s hurting my economy badly...



Start Charging Upfront. That way Scammers still have to Pay you.


Keep doing your best buddy. You'll get more pledgers before you know it


It's kind of the thing over here at Patreon sadly, including the batch of declines we all get the start of the month, then patron does its "Retry" thing. I only received 78% of my projected/estimated earnings today/"so far"... patron income balance status says "Pledges processed", I also lost some patrons(119 down to 84), an yes I use Charge Upfront. Patreon is better with CU enabled if it is available to you.


My credit card changed. My money will be coming through. You need to charge upfront and go for quantity of contributors. Also you need a sick/vacation art. Every month I work I get a sick day at work. I wish you could have the same for art. It would even out the dry spells.


It sucks to loose pledges when you've planned on having that income as part of your livelihood. It sucks even more to think that there are people out there that are pledging for the possibility of getting a sneak-peak at your work, only to then leave you next billing cycle.Not sure of the best solution but I can tell you that art is a luxury that not everyone can afford.


Yeah, I hate that too.


I would agree with Geode. If I remember correctly, you do not have charge upfront available. So, I would just put previews here and notices of updates to dropbox. Then only put stuff in dropbox.


Hey man I know a dollar isn’t that much. But I’m happy to me a new Patreon Subscriber. Been following you for a while. Happy to help out.

noway tobetrusted

It sucks but isnt this post only read by those that are still subscribing not the ones that left?


Sorry I changed my card, I’ll update it soon

Gilbert Quintero

Just became your patreon. I love your work and wanted to help


I became one a few days ago. Happy I finally could. Your art is awesome. ^^