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So I'm gonna do inktober and the theme will be picked by you. Every day I'll ask you guys for a theme (one character pinup) and I'll doodle that. It's gonna be a quick sketch and I'm gonna do the first one commented here. However if your idea is picked in order to give everyone a chance, you can't suggest another one. (the one after the next one is ok to suggest again tho just try not to hoard the dynamic) ( I'm gonna try and do the second part of the choose the scenario dynamic in the meantime but until then let's pause that) Any questions regarding this will be talked over here. I want the inktober to be as sfw as possible but if you want xxx in it, so be it hehe Go go go



Well might as well get the obvious theme request for October- First Werewolf Transformation. Confused werewolf after his first transformation set up incredible hulk style pants and shirt problems. Attacked his refrigerator and scarfed up everything in it. Now trying to finish off the dog treats so all filled up from his refrigerator food.


Demons!! And horny demons at that.