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-_- guys, please. This is why we can't have nice things.

Someone's leaking everything I post here and it's kind of making this place's purpose meaningless. As you probably know (and if you didn't you'll know now XD) I live off this patreon and the commisions I take every now and then, so leaking content kind of ruins my already battered economy.
I don't make much money, I basically live day by day. I got no savings, so every time I make less money here I literally gotta tight the belt and pray to god that I don't get sick cuz I can't afford meds or medican treatment.

I hate to come off as this pitiful man who basically lives off donations, but that's how it is, so If you leak my content, people who could potentially become a patreon won't need to as they'll get all my hard work's product for free (cuz yeah, i LOVE to draw, but that doesn't make it any easier or simpler) and it's not really their fault. It's yours for leaking it.

I really liked posting this along Dropbox, but since the leakage is getting really out of hand (that and the fake accounts, last month I got like 20. (i wish patreon would enable me the charge upfront feature to avoid those but for now there's nothing I can do about it...) So I'll be posting all the stuff on the dropbox/drive.
I know it's a huge pain for some who doesn't like Dropbox's platform (i'm sorry, I get you) but there's not much I can do given the circumstances...

I also wanna know what you think would make this experience better for you. What would you like to see, what kind of interaction would you like to have with me?



Ok who the fuck keeps on doing this, like what is the point. Literally what do you get out of this, you already have the content. What purpose do you get for destroying the artists income?


It really does suck that you have to move to that model. It makes it inconvenient for everyone and not as "Customer Focus". But as you say this is out of hand it effects you and being able to do art at all. It really is just stupid that this is happening at all :( But remember there are people who want to support you and want you to succeed. So button up the ship a bit, hope that Patreon makes it easier for you to reduce this, and do your best we are rooting and supporting you!


I'll help keep an eye out. I'm pretty good at spotting thieves.


I guess people get a kick out of getting away with stuff like this. People who doesn't care about the artist, or people who doesn't think my work is worth any money at all.


yes, i know. I still wanna do this of course, but Until this situation is fixed i'm gonna have to post only on dropbox/drive. :/