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And with this, Keisuke is my favorite character ❤️ don't get me wrong, Souta and Nao are absolute cutie patooties and this is their story... but I really admire Keisuke's kind, mature and caring perspective from the "outside". Guess he represents the readers' and author's voice sometimes :) (oh, and this episode aligns well with the song Two - about the enneagram personality type - on the official playlist)


Keisuke is SUCH a good friend, he concerns himself so much with looking after Souta, this also kinda shows how close they are and how well he knows him, that Souta's excitement and passion would make him just throw himself head first into the things that are bringing him joy (such as spending time with Nao and helping him) surely that must feel increasingly special to him because not only Nao was always so reserved but because he JUST recently he clearly was so helpful to him, like this hard to describe happiness that comes with helping the people you care about, not only it makes him feel closer to Nao but I'm sure it must come along with this feeling of self value, so much so that he probably doens't notice how it could affect him in other ways (like hurting his grades or his free time) It's just really nice to see Keisuke looking out for Souta when he's so quickly to not do it himself, not only on his time but I can sense he's also concerned that Souta wouldn't be too emotionally prepared to loose Nao romantically, that if Nao got a girlfriend now that's he's more approachable and open all that excitement Souta has (selfless as it may be) would hit him really hard. TLDR; Keisuke is a champ

Aina Palm

Omg, Azher, sometimes it's like you're looking over my shoulder while I draw this comic, lmao! Now that the new episode is up you can see that you were ABSOLUTELY RIGHT about Keisuke worrying about Souta not being emotionally prepared! How do you always analyse and predict so accurately?? Are we sharing the same brain cell??? So impressed!