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Hello everyone!

Patreon has sent me (and I assume every other creator) a mail where they explain that some patrons may have their payments declined by their banks due to a an issue with their payment partner.
I've heard from another source that it's because Patreon has changed their billing location but I'm honestly not 100% sure what is causing the issue.

Either way, if your payment gets declined you can try the following:

1. Contact your card issuer to confirm the charge is valid and retry that card

2. If the retry does not work, try a different payment method. Patrons can edit their payments in their Settings, under Billing History:

I'm sorry for the inconvenience and hope that not too many of you guys will be affected.



it told me to change my payment method but i just retried to put my same payment method and it ended up working so 😀😂


I'm grateful that so far I haven't had any issues!