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I'm absolutely loving the poses and the game! It's not only meaningful as a plot cus who wouldn't want them to get to regionals, but it's a great reflection of Nao's emotional and mental state, he's scattered and lost and overwhelmed It's not only the pressure and anxiety of being on a familiar setting that once caused him SO much pain, waiting so hopefully for someone he loved but would never come and that now he will never see again, just a forever empty seat in the audience All those years ago when he was a kid and found out his mother had chosen not to see him he felt he had been abandoned for good, that she had left him, and now she has truly left, it's hear breaking and SUCH a good mirror of both moments And the only one who knows is Souta

Aina Palm

Thank you, Azher!! As always know how to perfectly put things into words 💕


Can't wait to see Souta taking care of him!