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Today marks the first day I posted IDCC online!

Since I'm rather busy preparing vol 3-4 for print, I can't say for sure when I'll be able to post the Q&A. But write your questions and I'll get to to it when I can. :)



Congratulations on this huge milestone!!! 😍 this comic is my favorite and I'm so happy to watch their relationship grow over the years! You're amazing!! My question is: will Souta confide in someone (probably Keisuke) abt his feelings for Nao? If positive, will we see that happening soon? (If that's a huge spoiler, just ignore my question haha)

Diana S.S. Santos

Really late because I was trying to think of a question but I ended up forgetting to comment at all but contragts on the 5 years!! I am so gratefull that you made such a heartwarming story and I am so excited for the future!! Maybe someone has already asked this but how and what made you start doing comics (and IDCC)? A lot of people say that starting is the "hard part" of a project, so how was yours?