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Souta, you turd



This is still back story, right?


Aina you are sooooo good at showing character's ages! this was just a few years ago but I ca notice how they are younger, that's a hard thing to do! Also I really like how sensitive and observant Keisuke is, that's a trait he has been showing forever and its a really nice detail, cus as much as Nao is a reserved mystery someone mature and sensitive enough with a good eye could probably tell he's kinda having a rough time

Aina Palm

Thank you! After drawing Nao as a kid for so long it was actually a bit hard to age him up again since I got so used to drawing big eyes and cheeks, haha! When I returned to the present timeline I had to actively remind myself to stretch out their faces and give them sharper features again. I'm so glad Keisuke is also getting some love. 💕He's probably one of the most mature characters in the cast and I'm always happy when people recognize his role in the story <3