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Ebony Wiggins

Another great update and can’t wait for next week!!

Miri W

First of all, great episode💕 I got a random question: when do the episodes for 3$ patrons update? I never get a notification 😢

Aina Palm

Thank you! The 3$ patron get a new episode unlocked every Saturady. I usually unlock them in the morning (CEST) but at the very latest, they should always be made available by 4 PM (CEST). The reason you don't get a notification is because I unlock episodes I've already uploaded prior for the 5$ tier and patreon doesn't send out notifications for that. But maybe I could start sending out manual notifications to remind you guys that a new episode has been unlocked for the 3$ tier? Would you prefer that? If so, it's no problem and I'm happy to do so. Let me know what you think. :)