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I really like this little turning point for both of them, cus for one is cute as hell but also because I think it carries a bigger significance into their whole argument even when it could seem it doesn't that much Since one of the BIG problems they were both having with this big misunderstanding was that feeling of disappointing each other, or this subconscious idea that their friendship and mutual respect was in jeopardy Souta had been kind of lashing out, and hanging out with ppl that makes Nao uncomfortable (if not thinking of them as straight up "enemies" ) which of course made him feel rejected/pushed away (not to mention very recently Souta was LITERALLY avoiding him, look at those mixed signals) And on the other hand Nao was also being kind of stand off ish because of the whole thing, not to mention the fact that he is also going through an environment that makes him tense up, plus the with the things Nao said to him contributed to the fact that Souta has this inner insecurities which translate into shame and fear that he is gonna be seen as less in his eyes And it's sometimes in just small things like this that show honest care and closure that really make the difference, like a certain closeness Souta hasn't been sure of all this time since Nao tends to keep things more to himself and be a bit more distant, but this showed Souta more clearly how close Nao considers him And of course with that reaction from Souta, Nao can also rest more easy knowing he isn't being despised or loosing his new best friend

Aina Palm

Ahh! Azher! Hitting the nail on the head once again 👍 Every time you comment it reads like an analyzation you'd write for literature class. And I mean that in the best possible way, lol! You just have such an eye for the details and bring them all together when writing your interpretation of a scene and I live for it!