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Whether or not his backstory will ever matter in IDCC remains to be seen, lol
I hope you guys have fun with this! Making the giveaway a competition was the only way to keep it Patron-only and I really wanted to give you guys a chance to win since you've done so much for me over the years. I for one will have a lot of fun reading whatever you come up with! 


Lena Palmieri

Wada Usui. A man who loves cooking, soccer, and most importantly, his family. They had recently moved and once he was enrolled for school, he was thrilled to see they had a soccer team! He comes from an average family with his Mother and his 10 year old twin siblings, Wesley and Wanda, that he helps care for when his mother's working double shifts. He also has a full time job, along with being a full time student. He works hard to help keep food on the table, keep paying the babysitter, and to help his Mother to keep their bills paid. His job is a lead cook position, which he wasn't expecting to get right off the bat. The manager was so impressed with his cooking skills that he even got a raise last week! Their father had left when the twins were very young, so he's always made sure to help with anything that he could for his mother and siblings, including working full time at a local restaurant that specializes in Sushi and other seafood items. He got straight A's, making sure work and soccer never came in the way of his grades. But he worked hard at everything he did. Sometimes a little too hard. That's how his injury happened. He was getting pumped up and knew he had a long shift ahead of him after the game, And while his mind wandered, he overshot his kick and fell, injuring his leg. Now he has to wear a boot to work until his small injury is all healed.


Wada Usui, codename Pheasant Bandicoot Goodyears Bar, is no ordinary high school student. He is actually an undercover agent. He is known for his graceful handling of Case #132: Compromising the Underground Stolen Walmart Signs Ring and for being the youngest on the field. Why is he at this this school and why is he on the soccer (football) team?? Well, the folks back at HQ have discovered intel that someone in the soccer team has a family member involved some shady business. Involving stealthily selling drugs disguised as unicorn gummies on the street and “child” boogers on the black market. What a sicko. Anyways, that person is Souta’s little sister. The reason why she was looking at Nao like that is because she knows they’re looking for her, you can’t convince me otherwise.

Aina Palm

I really like the idea that he's taking care of his siblings after his father left. That idea sheds a new light on Usui being so serious all the time. Rather than it just being shyness, it feels more like the result of carrying a lot of responsibility. I also love how you managed to incorporate his latest injury. That it's another result of him trying to get everything right all the time. It certainly makes his character more interesting and deep. He went from a side-character to a potential protagonist! Thank you so much for your entry! This was so fun to read!