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I've started preparing a printed version of IDCC volume 1! It's a lot more work than I expected but at least I've finished things like the cover and chapter art.
For the cover I wanted to go with something that looks like an updated version of the thumbnail I've been using on webtoon and tapastic but with more details to hint at their different interests.
I'm quite happy with how it turned out! Now fingers crossed it looks as good on printed paper. 




Do you think you will ever make merch? Like posters or key chains? Cause I will buy that shit

Aina Palm

I will! I actually wasn't sure people were interested so it's only recently that I've started looking into it. But I'm definitely planning to make some stuff!


Do you have an idea of how many chapters will be in each volume? A general idea of when volume 1 will be out in print? :) I'm sure you get asked this a lot 😅

Aina Palm

The standard Japanese manga contains about 150 pages per volume so that's what I'm aiming for as well. The first volume will end after chapter 7. :)