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Thank you all so much for your reviews last time! It really helped me out. Since then I've experimented a bit more with their designs. Pascal and Atlas will more or less remain the same but I decided to redesign Finnigan because his looks didn't quite reflect the personality I have in mind for him. 

This is the sketch I've made for Finn's new look. He still has a button nose and thick, dark eyebrows but I gave him another haircut and tried making him appear a bit more masculine. I'm not sure if he should keep his freckles but he'll probably have the same color scheme as before.

I think I'll use parts of his original design for a side character. I already have a personality in mind for him.

I'm currently having so much fun exploring their world and backstories and I'll make sure to share some of them in future to give you a bit of a taste of the story I have in mind. 



agh! so excited for this!! and (folds hands in lap and deep inhale) YAS FRECKLES KEEP THE FRECKLES...! i mean. after much thought and consideration...the freckles should remain, imho. #teamfreckles #darkeyebrowsforthewin 💕💕

Aina Palm

Haha! I might do that then. I need to see if it looks good when I try coloring him but if I keep the freckles I'll probably put them more on the sides of his face rather than center them around his nose.

Ebony Wiggins

I will not wait patiently for this 😍