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Hello people!
I'm currently planning a new project and have been playing around with some character designs. It's going to be a sci-fi story and will mainly be about the two characters on the left.
While I'm happy with how Atlas turned out I'm not sure about Finnigan and Pascal. What do you think? Are their designs too boring? Do they look too much like Souta and Nao? And even if they do, would you be bothered by it when reading?
Also, I can't decide if I should name the protagonist Finnigan or Figaro.

Right now the title "Skybound" is a placeholder until I come up with a better title.



Stefany G.

They definitely look good and don’t look boring! Maybe with Finnigan playing with more rounded features like a more button nose and a softer jawline would help distinguish him more but that’s more of a general idea. He does read as more of a warm and friendly character to me and I know soft curves really help with that. Of course I could be reading it wrong!

Aina Palm

Ohhh, that's interesting! I'm going to play around with his nose in sideview. As for making his face softer I'm a bit worried about making him look too young. But I'll give it a try! Thank you so much!


Honestly Finnigan is looking good af!!! I love how everything looks already. I'm pretty sure this project is going to be great.