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So I thought I'd introduce to you my newest idea for a comic and start walking you through the process of planning one. Or, at the very least, my way of planning one. 

My new comic is based on a concept I originally came up with for the anime "Yuri on Ice." Basically, the idea was that Viktor, a winner of five consecutive World Championships in figure skating, pretends to be an amateur in order to get close to his crush who is a teacher in figure skating.

I drew a picture for it and since the response on tumblr was so great, I decided to make a mini series out of it. 

It became a 5 part series called "Professional Amateurs". You can read the rest of it on my tumblr:


When webtoons announced their comic contest I played around with the thought of entering but realized that it wasn't realistic given the short timeframe I'd have until the deadline. Even so, it got me thinking that I'd like to prepare a short comic that is simple, fun and to the point so I'd be ready for future comic contests. That got me thinking of my parody on "Yuri on Ice". 

Since the concept of "Professional Amateur" has close to nothing to do with the real plot of "Yuri on Ice" I figured that it'd be a shame not to use it.  Of course with some changes.

So far the plot is that a Norweigian championship-winning sportsman named Aksel travels to Sweden for training and gets a crush on a Swedish man named Sebastian, a teacher who practices the same sport. The first time they meet, Aksel gets so distracted that he embarrasses himself by crashing into something which leads Sebastian to believe that he might be an amateur. Aksel uses this misunderstanding as an opportunity to sign up for Sebastian's class and get close to him. Little does he realize that the class is for children and that he'll have to endure a lot of embarrassing moments in order to cover his real identity.

Here are the initial character designs. As you can see I like to draw simple portraits and play around with designs.
At the top you can see my first attempt for Sebastian and in the bottom two versions of Aksel. 

Since I felt that Sebastian's and Aksel's hair would look too similar I decided to try and redesign Sebastian a bit and this is what I came up with. 

I ended up liking the new version better and so these are the designs I am fairly positive I'll end up using. To the left you have Aksel, the professional sportsman and to the right you see Sebastian, the teacher. 

What do you think? Let me know in the comments if you think this is interesting and would like more updates regarding this comic. I'd love to hear your thoughts.



This sounds precious! I would absolutely love updates on this story!!