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Just a heads up that the livestream will be a few minutes late. Will upload the link here on patreon as soon as everything is ready to go.
Thanks for being patient :)


ultimate lurker aka Pika

well I'm bored rn so yall gotta live with my random shi... stuff "I learned something interesting today." "What is is Souta?" "Did you know that if you divide 1 by 998001 you get a decimal where you can find every number from 000 to 999 in order except for 998?" "...and? Since when did you like math like that to remember that?" "It's not the math. I just think that it's like my life was once. Almost perfect and the only thing missing was you." "...it was Keisuke who told you to say that wasn't it?" "Man, what kind of reaction is that? Can't you react cuter or something?" "sigh Fine... Souta." "Yeah?" "My love for you is like one divided by almost zero." "...Illegal?" "Infinity you idiot." "So we agree to never flirt with math?" "Exactly."