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-commissions are $50 USD

-finished by December 23rd

-Message me if interested!!!

Hello, Sorry for being away for awhile! I usually don’t like to bring to much of my personal life into my art, because I want everyone to just enjoy themselves and look at sexy art haha XD

Though recently my life has sort of flipped upside down, and I’ve just been really struggling.

I’m currently in a bit of a toxic living situation (may be an understatement :,( ), and for probably the past year its started to seep into my motivation for art, but also motivation for life in general.

There comes a point, where you realize the people in your life make you feel like there’s no hope and that you won’t ever be able to get out of this situation— and sometimes they even contribute to you not being able to get help. that’s when you have to take a step back and go “woah, this is really unhealthy.”

And with that realization I’ve decided that I need to leave this environment and relationship.

It’s not easy for me to leave because I’ve lost my car, so I’m currently saving for a moving expenses.

I'm aiming to leave this situation in march (I already have a place to go as well!!)

Sorry for dragging you guys into this, I’m still going to be working hard on the animation (I'm hoping that I will be able to finish it before I move, although I’m struggling pretty bad so I won’t stress myself out with promises)

And thanks to everyone who’s supporting me, I don’t think I would have any hope without you guys support :,3

And thanks to everyone who’s read this far

Just everyone thanks X,D



Makuta raín

Keep strong and eyes to the future !

Undeadh1tman 69

I know I'm a bit late to the party but are coms still open