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Hello! Whew I’ve been working on nothing but Kitty and Puppy for like two weeks straight

This is part of probably the longest most difficult shot in the whole animation; I wanted to try my hand at a long take, but I think I underestimated how difficult it is to have to constantly animate movement. Most animations have many cuts in every scenes because it breaks up how much you have to animate.

It’s not even a erotic shot which is funny how much effort I’m putting into it. Well I may be a pervert but above all I’m an artist lollll~

Though I’m actually really glad with how it’s turning out. I think challenging myself like this keeps art fun, especially animation, where I have to spend months working on the same thing.

To describe this shot more since we only see Puppy animated at the moment. His mom and sister are both in this shot, and It just shows an average morning in his household. I don’t know, I feel like it adds depth to the characters which will be important later!

Also don’t worry, you guys will be getting a lot of sexy kitty and puppy posts, WIPs of the more erotic scenes hehe >:3c

I can’t wait to start the line work for this scene to really just see everything come together!

Anyway hope you guys have been good! I’m very sleepy because it’s late ^w^)7

Thank you all for the support, I wouldn’t be able to put this much effort into a dumb little shot if it wasn’t for your monthly patronage! Love you guys !

~~~ Also if anyone would like to commission me pleaseee >_> I really need to afford a SSD for storage because my laptop is hanging on for dear life haha




Jaxson Roamer

Amazing as always, super excited to see the finished product~ ^w^


Wow, this rerally looks Amazing, good job so far :D