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Happy very very VERY late Halloween! Am I even allowed to say that now? haha

I’m not sure why I decided the best time to learn a bunch of new techniques was right before a holiday deadline… But I have no regrets XD I actually learned so much creating this gif, a lot about after effects (Which I used to edit shots for Puppy Training, but never went to in depth with it) I'm really happy with the results!

I wanted this gif to show the personalities of every character and how they interact with each other. I feel like every time you look at a character something different is happening, which is exactly what I was going for!

And well, let me update you on my surgery! We hit the goal!!!!!!! I have scheduled it with my doctors and surgeon for next month!!!!!

I’m planning on working on a stock of posts to have scheduled for when I'm healing… since I wont be able to work for awhile after the procedure ;w; A bunch of holiday art for you guys while I rest up!

I know I say thank you guys a lot, but I truly do mean it! I’m really excited about getting surgery (albeit a bit scared haha…) Though afterwards I can finally focus my full attention into my art and videos! I can't wait to invest more into my content! There's so much I want to upgrade, such as getting a desk and a PC (currently work using a laptop on my bed lmao)

I’m also planning on getting a vimeo subscription, so I can finally post videos on patreon (I messaged support about the patreon video feature and they said it was released… just not for 18+ content creators… WHICH in fairness makes since because they will have to start verifying us by ID just to make sure no minors can be exploited for 18+ content) Once I pay for the subscription I will upload all my older videos on here for you guys ad free viewing! I promise!

And then I will 100% start doing early access for all new animations! ^w^

Thank you guys for the support! I will have some Christmas YCHs going up before the end of November, to help pay for some recovery items for healing from surgery! So please check those out when the time comes if you want to help me some more :D

Should I upload a ver. of this without Alexa in the middle for people to use lolll XD




Happy ya hit your goal, youve earned it! She's extremely cute in that outfit, well done!


congrats on hitting the goal!