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The animation is officially done! I sent it off for audio (I'm outsourcing haha), Honestly since I've never had audio done before I don't know the turn around time, The moment the audio is done I will post it though!!! (I hope it doesn't take to long I hate keeping everyone waiting T^T)

Thanks for all the support while I worked on this project, Kitty and Puppy 3 is the next animation I will be working on (Need a break first T^T)!

Also If you have commissioned me I will be working on those/finishing them! I'm gunna be taking a break between the 10th-15th and won't be online then, So If you haven't already gotten your rough sketch you'll get it before I take a break!

Again thank you so much for supporting me as an artist so i keep getting to make animations! My health hasn't been great lately but with all the support I get It makes me want to keep going! Hopefully I will be able to post more in august!

Thank you guys so much ^w^ !!!!!!

I seriously need to clean the mass amount of redbull cans I've accumulated in my room from working this month lolll




Congrats on finishing the video, looking forward to watching it, also yes you should take a break and recover some energy and work on your health a bit, we will still all be here waiting patiently.