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Happy early Pride Month!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope everyone had an amazing month!! ^o^)/


Bit of a drawing dump of a bunch of stuff I've been working on, Some new characters for Kitty & Puppy! does one look familiar >.<? As well as some other WIPs


Lately I've been watching a youtuber called Tzuyang, she eats a crazy amount of food. I seriously don't know how its possible. Somehow watching her eat so much with ease makes me feel like I can do that lol-- I can't. I'm the type who has to take a long nap after a large bowl of ramen XD

If you like mukbang stuff you should check her out, and be amazed along side me!


The latest animation has been coming along slowly, I find thats how it always is with me and new projects. I've been brainstorming so much stuff for Kitty and Puppy though, So WIPs of that will come in June!!! I'm excited!!!


anyway! Thank you for supporting me! Commissions will open in June, so be on a lookout! Patreons will get first dibs on slots! THANK YOU! ^0^
