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Arthur gawks at the January Update

Hello everyone, time for the Monthly update!

Paperwork!  The most thrilling of activities that I'm confident all you of are just bursting at the seams to hear about...!  ...Yeah this month was a bit bogged down by paperwork both personal and video related.

Regardless, video progress still marches on.  Rough and cleaned up shots are still coming in.  

Background artists are ramping up and doing concept work for areas new to the video.  

A particular focus this month was on writing the end sequence, so that we can finalize solidify that in animatic form.  We are pretty close to wrapping that up so February we'll probably have something more juicy to share on the next update.

That should mostly cover the news for this month's update!  Now that we are in 2023 proper, we're hoping to get this thing out the door this year and we are hoping we can finally show you what we got before too long!  Once more, thank you to everyone for your support!




Also, it would seem that were was something of a Round 2 on the Tumblr Sexyman front.

Where as Lewis had lost to Prof. Venomous in Round 1, we managed to turn the tides and take at least 1 win only to promptly lose to.... 

*checks notes*

...Wheatley from Portal 2...?

Huh.  Alright.  Well.  We got the one win this time at least!  



Alcaria Swain

Wheatley is an honorable opponent to lose to. He's quintessentially Tumblr Sexy

Simon Electric

Can't wait to see this epic video. You guys are amazing!


Patiently waiting for what you guys have next! You guys rock!